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Emotions (2016)

The paradoxes of emotion

Motions are at the heart of our behaviour. Long thought to be naïve and opposed to reason, they are now the subject of a kind of empowerment but also of paradoxical injunctions. Inherent in cognitive processes, decision-making and social relations, they can also seriously disrupt them when they are not properly managed. How are emotions considered by poets, judges, leaders and doctors?

A series of public lectures organised as part of the teaching "La recherche dans tous ses états"

Organisation: Delphine Preissmann (FBM, Sciences au Carré,

Autumn sessions:

  • Wednesdays from 19 October to 23 November 2016 from 5:15pm to 6:45pm
  • Bâtiment Amphimax Room 412

Spring sessions 2017:

  • Wednesdays from 16h15 à 18h45
  • Room CM 011 à l'EPFL
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Date Speaker Title

19 October 2016

Jacques Gasser, Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, UNIL-CHUV

Emotions and acting out

26 October 2016

Antonio Rodriguez, French Section, Faculty of Arts

The emotional relationship to the literary text

2 November 2016

Ron Stoop, Centre for Psychiatric Neurosciences, FBM

Neurobiological modulation of emotions: oxytocin, a hormone that erases fear?

9 November 2016

Marianne Schmid Mast, Department of Organisational Behaviour, HEC

Does a good leader need to know how to recognise other people's emotions?

16 November 2016

Jean-Philippe Thiran, Signal Processing Laboratory, EPFL

When computers recognise facial expressions: an open door to the analysis of emotions

November 23, 2016

Yohan Ariffin, Institute of Political, Historical and International Studies, SSP

The role of emotions in international politics