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VAE, an opportunity for me?

Conditions for VAE candidates at UNIL

  • I am at least 25 years old 
  • I will meet the requirements for matriculation at UNIL by the end of my studies
  • I can provide proof of at least three years' full-time or equivalent professional and/or academic activity

It should be noted that a deposit of CHF 1,000 is required for each formal commitment to the VAE process (more details).

What VAE can do for me

Constructing a file to validate one's prior learning does not just mean compiling a series of traces of one's experience; it also means reflecting on it, bringing it back to consciousness and making links with the training objectives of the course being pursued.

A few questions to ask yourself before getting started

Following a Validation des Acquis dérience, entry into the intended course of study can be a real upheaval for family and professional life.

  • Am I ready to invest in a university course that doesn't require me to be present during the week?
  • Are adaptations to my working hours possible so that I can attend classes ?
  • Are the people around me prepared to see me devote some of my free time to university work? Are they willing to support me in this?

The most important question to ask straight away could be: What goals do I want to achieve by going back to university?

Setting goals for myself will help me get through the various stages of my project.

To find out more

To find out more

About part-time studies

UNIL offers the possibility of resuming your studies on a part-time basis. This information may be important if you are planning to study under the VAE scheme. Information and conditions :

The information contained on the unil vae pages is provided for information purposes only. Only the following reference texts are authentic: art. 77 and 78 RLUL. Detailed VAE framework: UNIL Directives 3.17, 3.18 and 3.2.