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Sick children and emergency care

As a parent with a UNIL contract, you are entitled to 5 working days a year to look after your sick child. You can also find an emergency childcare solution, thanks to the resources presented here.

Vaud Red Cross emergency on-call service

Your child is ill, the person who usually looks after him or her is unavailable or you have a professional impasse?

If you work or study at UNIL, you can contact our partner the Croix-Rouge vaudoise, who will put you in touch with a Red Cross assistant (minimum on-call time: 3 hours).

Emergency on-call care through the Red Cross is offered free of charge by the Equal Opportunities Office, up to a maximum of 35 hours per calendar year provided that:

  • One of the parents is registered at UNIL or has a UNIL* contract
  • The need for emergency childcare arises from an unforeseen short-term event and is linked to an obligation (work or study) of the UNIL parent
  • The parent's residence be in the canton of Vaud

* Salary paid by UNIL.

Over the 35-hour threshold or if you do not live in the canton of Vaud, you will be billed by the Red Cross for childcare. The rate is based on the Red Cross' rates, according to net family income.

Contact the Red Cross directly 

by phone, Monday to Friday from 7 am to 12 am an from 1:30 pm to 5:30 pm

+41 21 340 00 80

Cancellation policy: 

In the absence of any medical emergency, if an assignment is cancelled less than 24 hours before the start of the assignment, 50% of the planned hours will be billed directly to the employee or student. These costs are not covered by the Equal Opportunities Office

Other Red Cross services (not covered by the Equality Office)

  • The Baby-Sitting service
    Offers to place children under the responsibility of young people who have received appropriate training through our Red Cross Training Sector
  • The Parents-Rescousse service
    Has been set up to meet the emergency needs of parents who are ill, temporarily unavailable or going through personal difficulties and do not know who to entrust with looking after their children
  • Training for family carers
    The aim of this programme is to strengthen the support and services available to people caring for people of all ages at home, whether they are disabled, ill or dying
  • Training for family carers
    As a caregiver, and to take a little time for yourself to recharge for a few hours

All the information and offers on the Vaud Red Cross website.


Bureau de l'égalité

+41 21 692 20 59