Elections to the Staff Committee were held at the beginning of December 2024.
Of the 12 seats to be filled (4 per body), only 6 were filled, including all those of the PAT. This is due to the limited number of valid candidates received (two for the intermediate corps, none for the teaching corps), for the four representatives per corps provided for in Directive 1.27 - article 3, the teaching staff and the intermediate staff may not each delegate more than one member of the same faculty.
In mid-February, four applications meeting the eligibility criteria were submitted to the General Secretariat, enabling the four vacant seats on the Faculty to be filled without the need for a vote.
Ms. Margot Lamare, a student in Comparative International Law, will ensure the taking of minutes of the CoPers.
The members of the Board elected in January 2025 are:
See the French version of the site. |
I'm a PhD student in environmental studies. I work on issues of power, justice and democracy in relation to the energy transition. Before that, I studied at the University of Neuchâtel, where I achieved a bachelor's degree in biology and ethnology and a master's degree in social sciences, intermingled with a year of civil service. |
See the French version of the site. |
See the French version of the site. |
See the French version of the site. |
See the French version of the site. |
The Commission is made up of 12 elected members, i.e. 4 representatives for each staff category at UNIL:
In order to ensure that the diversity of the Faculties and Services is represented, the teaching staff and the intermediate staff may not each delegate more than one member from the same Faculty.
Administrative and technical staff are represented by two members from Faculties that do not belong to the same Faculty and two members from Central Services that do not belong to the same Service.
Participating in the CoPers enables you to represent your professional body in a spirit of dialogue with the management of UNIL, providing governance with valuable human resources information and suggesting possible improvements to the organisation and working relationships at UNIL. It is also an opportunity to support staff on certain occasions with their hierarchy in the event of problematic professional situations.
Contributing to the activities of the CoPers is an opportunity to broaden your internal network, to learn more about the mechanisms and issues at UNIL and to develop your understanding of the professional reality of your colleagues at UNIL;UNIL and to develop its understanding of the professional reality of colleagues from other bodies, faculties and departments. CoPers members are also represented on the following Directorate advisory committees: food, health and sustainability. Added to this is participation in Inter-CoPers, which brings together all the staff committees of the Etat de Vaud.
Any member of staff (with the exception of members of the Executive Board, Deans and Vice-Deans, Directors of Sections, Departments or Institutes and Heads of Service) may stand for election to the CoPers provided that they have been working in UNIL's Faculties, Centres and Services for more than 6 months and have at least a 50% contract, the terms of which guarantee that they will be able to remain a member of the committee for at least one year.
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