A list of social networking sites
What are the various official presences of the University of Lausanne and its units on social networks? This page lists them.
To announce the opening of an official account: socialmedia@unil.ch
If you discover a presence that has not yet been identified, please let us know at the same address.
UNIL - University of Lausanne |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - Instagram - LinkedIn (French) - LinkedIn (English) - Threads - Bluesky - Indeed |
Healthcare |
Bureau de l'égalité |
Career Conversations |
Career centre |
Language Centre |
Teaching Support Centre CSE |
Centre Sport et Santé CSS |
Instagram (inactive) |
ColLaboratory |
Culture UNIL |
L'éprouvette |
Facebook - X platform - Instagram - YouTube |
Espace Transitions |
UNIL students in exchange |
Graduate Campus UNIL |
HUB entrepreneurship and innovation |
Lonely UNIL |
International relations |
Health sports; UNIL+EPFL |
Wild in the city |
Tandem |
Grange de Dorigny |
Dicastère transition écologique et campus |
Facebook - Platform X - Instagram - Threads - LinkedIn - Bluesky |
Welcome Centre |
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies |
Faculty FTSR |
Institut lémanique de théologie pratique ILTP |
Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration |
Chair of German Law |
Public international law |
Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences and Public Administration |
Facebook - Platform X (inactive) - LinkedIn - Instagram - Threads - Bluesky |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - Instagram - LinkedIn (Enterprise) |
LLM in International and European Economic and Commercial Law |
Faculty of Arts |
Archives of Luisella Goldschmidt Clermont |
ASA Numerica |
Beyond public service, for a history of television |
Centre d'études médiévales de Lausanne (Cemep) |
Centre de Traduction Littéraire |
Centre interdisciplinaire d'étude des littératures (CIEL) |
Ecole de français langue étrangère - Le FIL de l'EFLE |
Swiss School of Archaeology in Greece |
Etudes de Lettres |
Faculty of Arts |
Facebook - X platform - Instagram - YouTube |
FNS Region and Nation in Late Medieval Devotion to Northern English Saints |
Institut d'archéologie - Tirésias |
Language of the Labouring Poor in Late Mod England |
Organisation des étudiants en philosophie de l'UNIL OrPhi |
Meduobranes |
Paleography UNIL (English section) |
Collart-Palmyra project |
English Section - English Department |
Italian language section |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - Instagram |
The syndic, the cow and the glass of white |
Viaticalpes |
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (SSP) |
Centre en études genre |
Centre for International History and Political Studies of Globalisation |
Centre de psychologie du conseil et de l’orientation (CEPCO) |
Centre de Recherche sur l'Action Politique (CRAPUL) |
Centre Walras Pareto (CWP) |
Faculty of Social and Political Sciences |
Facebook - Platform X - Instagram - LinkedIn - YouTube |
Institute of Sport Sciences (ISSUL) |
Institute of Social Sciences (ISS) |
Facebook - X Platform - Instagram - LinkedIn |
Laboratory of Social Psychology (UNILAPS) |
Laboratoire d’étude des processus de régulation cognitive et affective (CARLA) |
Laboratoire d’électrophysiologies corticale de l’attention et du mouvement (BEAM) |
Observatory of Swiss Elites OBELIS |
Observatoire de la vie publique régionale OVPR |
Plateforme en études genre (PlaGe) |
Adolescent psychology |
Faculty of Higher Commercial Studies (HEC) |
Executive Education HEC Lausanne |
HEC Lausanne |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - LinkedIn (Université) - Instagram - Threads |
HEC Emerging Markets |
Master MscCCF |
Faculty of Science and the Environment (GSE) |
Geoguide |
Institute of Earth Sciences - ISTE |
Faculty of Biology and Medicine |
Department of Computational Biology DCB |
Department of Ecology and Evolution DEE |
Department of immunobiology |
Department of Oncology UNIL-CHUV |
School of Biology at the University of Lausanne |
Faculty of Biology and Medicine |
Platform X (inactive) - YouTube - LinkedIn - Instagram - Threads |
Life Science Careers Days |
Opération ants |
Quantitative Biology PhD program |
Interfaculty |
Storytelling workshop |
Laboratoire des cultures et humanités digitales de l'@UNIL LADHUL |
Laboratoire Histoire et Cité |
Master's degree in Law and Economics MDE |
Mnémopôle |
Tax Policy Center |
UNIL Game Lab |
You can access all the social networks of UNIL's associations on the pages that list them in the Campus section.
AAEIPS (Association des Anciens Élèves de l’Institut de Police Scientifique de Lausanne) |
ACIGE (Association du corps intermédiaire de la GSE) |
Association des étudiants en biologie Le LAB |
AEAU (Albanian students) Lausanne |
AEA Association des étudiants afro-descendants |
AEDL (Association des étudiants en droit Law-sanne) |
AEGE Association des étudiants-e-s en géosciences et environnement |
AEHN - Association des Étudiants.e.s en Humanités Numériques |
AEL EtudiantsEs en Lettres |
AEMDE (Association des étudiants du Master en Droit et Économie) |
AEML (Association des étudiantes en médecine de Lausanne) |
AESC (Association des Étudiants en Sciences Criminelles) |
AESR (Association des étudiantsEs en sciences des religions) |
AETh FTSR (Association des Etudiantes et Etudiants en Théologie) |
Facebook - X platform (inactive) |
AFU Association féministe universitaire |
AIESEC Lausanne |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - Instagram |
Alumni HEC Lausanne |
Facebook - X platform - LinkedIn - Instagram |
Alumni MBA HEC Lausanne |
Association Clash |
Association for Postdocs in Natural Sciences APNS |
Association Mosaïque |
Auletta |
BlackOwlChess |
Le Cabanon - Contemporary art space |
University Law Centre |
HEC Lausanne Student Committee |
Facebook - X platform - YouTube - Instagram |
COSPOL - Political Science Committee Lausanne |
Les Durabilistes |
EPFL-UNIL Golf Association (EUGA) |
ELSA - European Law Student Association Lausanne |
ESN Erasmus Student Network Uni Lausanne |
EVA - Etudiant·e·s Véganes et Animalistes |
FAE - Fédération des associations d'étudiants-e-s de l'UNIL |
FilmONs - Cinema students association |
Finance Club HEC Lausanne |
Fréquence Banane |
HEC Espace Entreprise (Stratégis Prize) |
HELIOS, Circle of students of Ancient Studies |
Heliste Society |
Hispanica UNIL |
Innovation Time |
ITALaus (Student association for the promotion of Italian culture in Lausanne) |
Junior Entreprise HEC Lausanne |
Facebook - X platform - Instagram - LinkedIn |
Lamovida |
L'auditoire |
Les Abeilles d'Unipoly |
Les Maîtres de la Caverne |
oikos Lausanne |
Orchestre de Chambre des Etudiants EPFL et UNIL - OChE |
Paragone - Association of art history students at the University of Lausanne |
Pixels, the UNIL EPFL gaming association |
Plan Queer |
SDE-HEC Entrepreneurship Week |
Start Lausanne |
Stoica Losanna (Studenti Ticinesi Organizzati In Clima Amichevole) |
StoriAE (History Students' Association) |
Symposium |
Unilive |
Unipoly |
Unison (AeSSP) |
Uthink Lausanne |
Aumônerie UNIL-EPFL |
Cantonal and University Library / BCU Lausanne |
Facebook - Platform X - Instagram - Threads |
LIVES Centre |
X platform (inactive) - Facebook - Instagram - Threads |
DeFacto - more than just opinions |
E4S |
ISREC Foundation |
Jean Monnet Foundation for Europe |
Continuing education UNIL-EPFL |
Facebook - X Platform - LinkedIn - YouTube |
FORS Centre de compétences suisse en sciences sociales |
Institut suisse de droit comparé ISDC |
Facebook - Instagram - LinkedIn - X platform |
Swiss Institute for the Study of Art SIK ISEA |
Institut universitaire Kurt Bösch IUKB |
X platform (inactive) - LinkedIn |
La Maison de la Rivière |
Monuments vaudois: the review of the artistic heritage of Vaud |
Musus de la Main - Fondation Claude Verdan |
NCCR Microbiomes |
Orchestre Symphonique et Universitaire de Lausanne (OSUL) |
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics - Institut suisse de bioinformatique (SIB) |
Unisanté |
X platform (inactive) - Threads |
Vital-IT |
Critical Workshop |
BoulevArt Mag |
Cinema clubs at UNIL and EPFL |
Club de Rhétorique de l'Université et des Etudiants de Lausanne (CRUEL) |
UNIL Gastronomy Club |
Collectif UNIL Etudier & Lutter |
Digital Dreams Festival |
Unilive Festival |
Figure 1.A |
Film de poche, Mon ouest à moi |
Food + Poetry |
Genome Odyssey |
Graduates of the Master in Control, Accounting and Finance (HEC Lausanne) |
Climate researcher UNIL |
Grande de rép Groupe de réflexion politique UNIL |
GMU Lausanne |
HEC Lausanne ski club |
Iron Banana |
Lausanne Shakespeare Festival |
LUC Basketball |
LUC Rugby |
LUC Volleyball |
UNIL Market |
Marrow Lausanne |
Metis - Student movement against inequalities in access to healthcare |
Lausanne University Campus Officers' Society |
MUSE - Magazine for UNIL Students of English |
Lausanne University News (NUL) |
Archipel magazine |
Run24Dorigny |
Spotted University of Lausanne |
Studentsunil |
Time Out UNIL |
Troc-o-Pôle |
Uniboule |
The Vorace (Local and participative grocery shop) |
Zelig |