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Employees of UNIL


Staff statistics are facing a number of difficulties:

  • The administrative separation between the University and the Cantonal Hospices means that staff statistics for clinical medicine only take into account those who hold a teaching qualification. However, a large number of other people contribute to teaching and research activities in clinics.
  • Many·ses teachers are not reémunute;ré·e·s by the University, nor by the SPEV (Service du Personnel de l'Etat de Vaud), but by the Services des Hospices cantonaux, associated institutions such as the ISREC (Swiss Cancer Research Institute) or the Ludwig Institute, or even by other third parties. As a result, UNIL does not manage all of these people's data.
  • Until the end of 2005, some of the University's staff were employed by the SPEV , while others were employed directly by the University. Since 1.1.2006, UNIL has taken over the management and payroll of employees previously managed by SPEV.
  • A single person often has several contracts, for different functions, undertaken in different teaching and research units, with sometimes different funding. As a result, detailed statistics can only be provided in terms of the number of contracts and FTEs (full-time equivalents), but not in terms of the number of staff. However, a more summary database per person is available.

For statistical purposes, an activity rate is assigned to non-monthly-paid positions (Privat-docent, lecturers) and to people not employed by UNIL, which attempts to measure the importance of the person's contribution to UNIL's activities.

For assistants whose salaries are included in UNIL's state budget, statistics are compiled on the basis of the average number of FTEs calculated over the calendar year.

Current availability

Databases showing the number of staff on 31 December and the number of FTEs over the calendar year are created each year. Staff remunerated by non-cantonal funding sources were not included until 1995, but not exhaustively until 1999. The functions are grouped into a number of categories appropriate for statistical use. These databases are enriched by cost accounting data (activity rates by type of task). The main attributes used are: function, gender, date of birth, nationality, source of funding for the treatment.