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Spiritual life

Do you need or want to talk? Are you going through a difficult time in your studies or your relationships, a bereavement, an illness or emotional turmoil? We're here to give you feedback, take stock, or simply take some time out.


L’aumônerie is a joint UNIL- EPFL and Catholic and Protestant church service offered to all members of the UNIL community (student, staff member, teacher).

The Aumônerie team welcomes you in a spirit of openness and dialogue, with respect for the individual and his or her convictions (believer of various traditions, freethinker, atheist), valuing the human and spiritual dimensions of life.

The aumônerie is also concerned with welcoming and facilitating the exercise of the various religions and denominations present on the site.

The programme

Want to help?

We are looking for volunteers for our various activities

Get involved as a volunteer

Need a listening ear and individual support? Contact us at

E.g. help with bereavement, moral support and advice during the doctorate period or other circumstances. 

The chaplaincy team

Justyna Lotocka

Justyna Lotocka

Martina Schmidt

Martina Schmidt

Giovanni Polito

Giovanni Polito

Alexandre Mayor

Alexandre Mayor

Gregoire Sienkiewicz

Gregoire Sienkiewicz

How to find us


Bâtiment Amphipôle, office 249. 
Map - 1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 21 47


L'Agora (chaplaincy and local office)
CM 1.257  - 1015 Lausanne
+41 21 693 60 47

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Links to the spiritual life

Here is a site with some biblical themes that I think are important for having a key to reading that links the texts of the Gospels with commentaries by the Pères de l'Éute;glise pour l'interprétation chrrétienne de la Bible et aussi des commentaires juifs pour la compréhension du hétextu de la Genèse.

I have also compiled a extensive database of the iconographic themes of the Bible with 2,500 photos and 900 pages of text. For each place, you will find associated documents with texts in the same style as the image, explaining its thematic meaning.

Here is also a site dedicated to interreligious dialogue. You will find texts and music from different spiritualities: Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Indian.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of places where you can spend a few days, a night, a weekend, a week... to recharge your batteries, following the rhythm of the community or not, and most often with the possibility of spiritual guidance.
