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Choosing your studies

To help you choose a course of study, or make a change along the way, we offer guidance advice.

The SOC can help you choose your course of study.

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Need personalised advice?

Information meetings
A brief 20-minute one-to-one interview online with a counsellor to quickly obtain information about studying at UNIL, career prospects in the various streams and the possibility of changing direction during your studies.Open to UNIL students and graduates, as well as anyone interested in studying at UNIL.

Individual consultation
An appointment is made with a guidance counsellor to carry out an in-depth review of your study options or to arrange a review. Reserved for UNIL students and graduates.

Skills assessment
A series of interviews with a guidance counsellor or employment psychologist, by appointment. To take stock of your career path and carry out an in-depth review of your professional career. Available to former UNIL students with at least three years' professional experience.

Useful links

If you are a student at UNIL and would like temporary medical support or advice, you can get a psychiatric and psychotherapeutic consultation on campus. To make an appointment, please contact Service des affaires sociales et de la mobilit&eute; étudiante.

The brochure "Dépression: reconnaître, agir, prévenir " contains information on how to recognise the symptoms of dépression and suggests strategies to remedy or prevent it.The website offers advice on how to combat depression and information on the condition.