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Diversification of types of research

While it is important to stimulate research, UNIL is also thinking about how alternative models to standard academic research can help to address the complex problems associated with sustainability.

Action research

Volteface is an action-research platform whose special feature is to bring together researchers and stakeholders in society (government departments, businesses, associations). The projects stem from needs identified in the field and are then jointly developed by UNIL and partners in society, bringing together the knowledge resulting from research and that from the field.

A first edition of Volteface was developed between 2014 and 2018 by UNIL, Romande Énergie and the Canton of Vaud. The second phase (2021-2023) supported around ten projects thanks to the management of UNIL and the Fondation pour l'UNIL. A third edition will be launched during the summer of 2024 as part of the UNIL Rectorate's Interface fund to support partnership research.

Public engagement by scientists

The growing involvement of researchers in public debate has prompted UNIL's management to initiate a reflection on this issue.

This topic was submitted to researchers from all faculties, who were brought together in a working group by the Centre de compétences en durabilité (CCD) and the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en éthique (CIRE). The aim was to clarify the issues surrounding the involvement of scientists in public debate and to understand the practices and perceptions of the UNIL community in this area. One of the main aims of the project is to provide an overview of the scientific community's engagement with the public, and to understand the practices and perceptions of the UNIL community with regard to this issue. A report published in May 2022, intended for à the UNIL Rectorate but also to all members of the community interested in these issues, presents the results of this work.

These discussions are currently being pursued within the CCD as part of various events.

Dialogue between science and policy

The problems of sustainability require collective decisions to be taken on issues that are characterised by a high degree of complexity and uncertainty, at the interface between science and politics. The CCD is developing the Catalysis project, which aims to foster cooperation between these two spheres by promoting exchange and mutual understanding.

By allowing the participants to embody the role of politician or scientist, thus overturning the usual roles, the aim was to enable them to approach the science-politics interface with fresh eyes, while at the same time experiencing the constraints, specificities and methods specific to these two worlds.