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The networks

Because there is strength in numbers, UNIL is active in several sustainability networks in order to exchange best practice, draw inspiration from the best examples and promote UNIL's sustainability culture.

UniC Network

The UniC Network relies on the mobilisation of partner universities, the trust of committed funding partners and the collaboration of organisations &oeligating;climate action. UniC is a community of practice in which university students from all over the world come together to share, learn, collaborate and act together for the benefit of the climate cause.

The COORD21 association

At a local level, UNIL sits on the committee of the association COORD21 . This privileged contact with local authorities and institutions governed by public law in French-speaking Switzerland is essential if UNIL is to keep abreast of developments on the ground and fulfil its role as a service to society. UNIL is active in a number of groups in French-speaking Switzerland and at national level, enabling it to interact with other Swiss universities and large parapublic institutions such as the CHUV, RTS, etc.


At the European level, UNIL is a founding member of the platform UNICA Green created in 2011 within the network of universities in European capitals and holding the presidency on several occasions. This platform is a unique opportunity to change and develop joint projects with Europe's leading sustainability universities.