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Information Resources and Archives Department (UNIRIS)

The Information Resources and Archives Department (UNIRIS) is responsible for developing UNIL's information governance. It is responsible for managing UNIL's information assets, from creation to archiving, whatever the support. It also manages research data and issues rules for researchers.

Le CAS en Data Stewardship de l’UNIL accueille ses premiers apprenant·e·s

Cette formation certifiante permettra une meilleure reconnaissance du profil des Data Steward tout en renforçant leurs compétences et en offrant de nouvelles opportunités de carrière dans le milieu de la recherche scientifique. Elle permettra aussi de fédérer et de formaliser une communauté de praticien·ne·s à l’échelle nationale.

Published on 

  • Recherche
  • Formation continue
  • Sur le campus


Information governance ensures that the various members of the University and the public have access, in complete confidence, to information that is useful for their work or research, at the right time, in a usable form and in compliance with the statutory and ethical framework in force. It makes it possible to:

  • Keep a reliable and enforceable record of the institution's commitments and decisions.
  • Improve efficiency by rationalising costs and controlling risk management.
  • Guarantee the quality, authenticity and integrity of information, thanks to knowledge capitalisation and a well thought-out organisational structure.
  • Enhance the value of the work it carries out and ensure its long-term viability.

UNIRIS covers the technical, organisational and human aspects of producing, using, sharing, securing, capitalising on and preserving documents and data, i.e. the entire life cycle of information produced and received within the University.

In our documents to download section, you will find documents presenting our mission, objectives, organisation and services. You will also find the Records Management and Archiving Policy for Information Governance at UNIL.

Ethics and commitments

In order to fulfil its mission and offer high-quality services, while establishing a relationship of trust with service users, UNIRIS has adopted a code of ethics and commitments inspired by the code of the International Council on Archives.

The purpose of this document is to provide strict, clear and precise rules of conduct, with the aim of providing the best possible response to users' questions. It provides an ethical framework of conduct for the entire department and its staff.

The code is in line with the behavioural guidance set out in the UNIL Charter and in the values and priorities of the Rectorate in its various statements of intent and strategic plans.


Strategic and media intelligence
  • Managing and creating content for the SYNOPSIS portal
  • Creation of thematic reports and event monitoring at the request of the Rectorate
  • Researching and sorting Swiss press articles (print and online) on the local and Swiss academic landscape for the Rectorate
  • Management of an ‘emergency’ watch for the Rector
  • Dissemination of specialist articles for UNIL members
  • Theoretical and practical expertise in documentary tools and information dissemination (website, intranet, blog, wiki, etc.)
  • Coaching and training of users in documentary research

Find out more about media and strategic intelligence

Research data
  • Data Management Plan (DMP)
  • Data collection and reuse
  • Data documentation and organisation
  • Data storage, backup, protection and security
  • Data deposit, publication and sharing (Open Research Data)
  • Data curation, archiving and long-term preservation
  • Supervision and coordination of the UNIL Data Stewards network

Find out more about research data

Records management

UNIL records management

Rectorate records management

  • Advice on good document practices
  • Electronic and paper management of activity documents
  • Access and confidentiality management
  • Information retrieval for users
  • Monitoring deadlines for the Rectorate's contractual documents
  • Monitoring management decisions and meeting management
  • Training and support

Find out more about Records Management and Electronic Document Management

Historical archives
  • Assessing, managing and preserving UNIL's paper and electronic archives (administrative holdings, private holdings and collections)
  • Assisting units and researchers with the processing of their archives
  • Searching for information for researchers and units, and managing consultations
  • Promoting and providing access archives and collections

Find out more about the Historical Archives

Practical information


Opening hours

The archive consultation service is open by appointment only.

Main address

Unicentre building,
Offices UNC-213, 214, 216, 217

Access, parking and delivery


Members of the department

Gérard Bagnoud
Gérard Bagnoud
  • Department Manager


Romain Clément
Romain Clément
  • Administrative assistant
Strategic intelligence
Eva Frei
Eva Frei
  • Strategic intelligence manager

    Documentary information specialist

Flavia Mizel
Flavia Mizel
  • Assistant

Records management

Laurence Gauvin
Laurence Gauvin
  • GEDUNIL specialist

    Records manager

Nathalie Montet
Nathalie Montet
  • Documentary information / EDM

    Documentation specialist

Noha El Sadawy
Noha El Sadawy
  • Documentary information / EDM

    Documentation assistant

Historical archives
Sacha Auderset
Sacha Auderset
  • Archivist

Julie Farine
Julie Farine
  • Archivist

Elora Lovey

Elora Lovey

  • Archives assistant

Xavier Baume

Xavier Baume

  • Archives assistant

Research data

Carmen Jambé
Carmen Jambé
Magalie Vetter
Magalie Vetter
  • Data Curator

Swiss Data Stewardship Environment project (SwissDS-ENV)

Marielle Guirlet
  • Project coordinator