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2013-2016 action plan

Action plan

In 2012, UNIL drew up its 2013-2016 action plan for public transport, the fruit of close cooperation between the UNIL Office, the members of the Public Transport Advisory Committee and the members of the Public Transport Advisory Committee;ration between the Bureau de l’égalit;, the members of the Commission consultative de l’égalit; and the Management.

UNIL's action plan sets out the Management's vision and begins by setting out its general objectives, namely:

  • Appoint a minimum of 40% women to professorial posts by 2016;
  • Involve faculties in achieving this objective and work with them on a common vision and approach;
  • Develop a policy of support for sensitive academic relations and the promotion of equality between women and men;
  • Supporting people with family responsibilities or who are in a dual career situation;
  • Ensure the continuation, after the end of the financial contribution from the Confederation, of the Bureau de légalit; and of programmes that have proved their worth (e.g. mentoring);
  • Guarantee gender equality among staff at all levels;

In a second part, the action plan sets out the 27 measures, divided into 6 areas, that UNIL has set out to implement in order to advance equality between women and men. One of the central measures of this action plan is the mandate given by the Direction to the faculties to define their own objectives and measures to promote gender equality.

Federal Equal Opportunities Programme

The UNIL action plan was submitted to the Swiss Confederation as part of the CUS 2013-2016 P-4 programme Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in Universities/Gender Studies. The aim of this programme was to institutionalise equal opportunities for women and men at university and to establish gender studies in a sustainable way. To receive the funding, each university had to draw up an action plan.

The Equal Opportunities federal programme was set up as part of the 1999 University Aid Act. In 2011, this was replaced by the Law on the Promotion and Coordination of Universities. The first programme began in 2001 and enabled UNIL in particular to finance its activities and measures to promote academic excellence.