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Training on Statistical Tools

The description of the training sessions can be found below. For any questions regarding these sessions or to register, please contact us.

Self-Service Statistics (S3)

As part of the faculty evaluation process, UNISIS has developed dashboards to support faculties in their evaluations.

These dashboards are also intended to assist with institutional decision-making. They cover statistical data from the following domains: students, staff, accounting and budget, research, and infrastructure.

UNISIS offers training sessions for this tool, based on the use of Tableau Desktop® but requiring no prior knowledge of the software. These sessions are conducted by the UNISIS team of data scientists.

Note: To register for the Self-Service Statistics (S3) training, a formal access request must first be submitted.

Tableau Desktop®

Tableau Desktop® is a software tool for creating interactive visualizations based on data sources. It is used by UNISIS to prepare and share statistical dashboards with the UNIL community and the public.

UNISIS provides training sessions to analyze institutional data using Tableau Desktop®.

Access to institutional data sources requires validation by the Dean or the Directorate. You will also be asked to complete confidentiality agreements before beginning the training.

UNISIS does not provide training for the use of Tableau Desktop® with data other than those offered by the service. If you wish to work with other datasets in Tableau, we recommend the free tutorials available on the Tableau® website.