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Equality, diversity and inclusion

By providing an inclusive and peaceful work and study environment, UNIL aims to offer every member of its community the same opportunities to succeed. To this end, UNIL is encouraging a cultural transformation to promote diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities.

“UNIL has developed its policy over several years, affirming its commitment to continuing its cultural, structural and organisational transformation aimed at favouring diversity, ensuring better inclusion and strengthening equality of opportunity.”
University of Lausanne (2022). Preparing for tomorrow 2021-2026, Statement of Intent of the Rectorate of the University of Lausanne, p. 10.

EDI in key words


All people at UNIL, regardless of their personal characteristics, must enjoy the same rights and opportunities. This means promoting de facto equality between women and men, paying particular attention to minority groups and combating all forms of discrimination.


UNIL is a place where people from all walks of life come together. Our community is characterised by a diversity of backgrounds, nationalities, career paths, emotional and sexual orientations, gender identities, ethnic and social origins or interests in a variety of disciplines. Constantly evolving, this diversity is a source of wealth as it encourages discussions, innovation, dialogue and transformation, all of which are essential to teaching, research and the development of our institution.


UNIL wishes to promote an environment of mutual respect where all people feel safe and have access to the same opportunities. Inclusion means removing any formal or informal barriers to successful study or career development, listening to others and cultivating a sense of belonging. 

EDI in action

An inclusive campus

A campus is inclusive when the layout of spaces and infrastructure, as well as the support provided to people working and studying, take into account the diversity of its members and the particular needs of certain groups of people. This enables us to provide the best possible facilities and services in order to offer the same opportunities to everyone.

This includes:

  • Development of breastfeeding spaces and baby changing tables for families.
  • Installation of inclusive toilets.
  • Provision of sanitary protection.
  • Support for people with disabilities.

EDI in everyday life

The complexity and diversity of issues require the participation and commitment of all members of UNIL, at all hierarchical levels, as well as in the various Faculties and departments. Each member of the UNIL community can make an active contribution to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion in their day-to-day practices: