The Sophie Afenduli Foundation was created in 2005 according to Mr. Alexandre Afenduli's wishes.
Each year, the Foundation offers one or more scholarships intended to contribute, totally or partially, to the costs of postgraduate studies, research training, and research in Switzerland at a university, a polytechnic school, or any other equivalent school.
The scholarships are intended for Greek students and researchers wishing to study or conduct their research in Switzerland, as well as for Swiss students and researchers who work in a field of interest to Greece.
The Sophie Afenduli Foundation is a support for Greek-Swiss studies and research.
Prof. Ioannis Papadopoulos
Mr Stéphane Lagonico, Vice President
Prof. Liliane Michalik, Secretary
Dr Marc-Olivier Roussianos
Prof. Nikos Stergiopulos
Mr Darko Vesligaj, Treasurer
Honorary member
Mrs Janine Afenduli
Mrs Géraldine Gimmi
The Foundation Board meets once a year.
The level of education required to apply to the Foundation is a Master's degree.
The following are eligible:
Please note:
A grant may be withdrawn by the Foundation Board in the event of abuse, cheating or any other factor justifying withdrawal.
Decisions to award or withdraw grants are final and not subject to appeal.
Requests made to other public or private bodies and support received must be indicated on the application form.
Funding for a period of study or research must not exceed the usual duration of that period, except in exceptional circumstances. In addition, scholarships may only be renewed from year to year on presentation of a fully satisfactory report from the institution in which the studies or research were carried out.
Completed applications must be submitted to the secretariat of the Sophie Afenduli Foundation by 31 March at the latest.
Documents must be sent in PDF format by 31 March at the latest to or by post.
At the end of the subsidised period, no later than 31 March following the year of operation, recipients of a grant must submit to the Foundation Board
Beneficiaries of support undertake to ensure that the Sophie Afenduli Foundation is mentioned in all documents and other media relating to the subsidised activity.
Beneficiaries are not entitled to any non-public information concerning the Foundation.
Between 2007 and 2024, 60 students and researchers received financial support.
Sophie Afenduli Foundation
UNIL Direction
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel: +41 21 692 23 40