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Transition goals

The fruit of a two-year collective process, the 20 CAP2037 transition objectives are a key step in UNIL's ecological transition. The aim is for the entire university community to work now to ensure that by 2037, its 500th anniversary, UNIL will be on a trajectory that is compatible with the Paris Agreement and the limits of our planet.

Largely discussed within the institution, firstly at the Transition Assembly, then during a broad consultation phase, each objective is contextualised and accompanied by a list of co-benefits;a list of co-benefits, points to watch and opportunities to help outline the nature of the road ahead to achieve it.

By 2037, UNIL is committed to :

  1. Reduce CO2 eq. emissions from professional air travel by at least 60% compared with 2019.
  2. Reduce the volume of purchases of laboratory-related equipment by at least 40% compared with 2019.
  3. Reduce the volume of purchases of laboratory consumables by a minimum of 20% compared with 2019.
  4. Reduce the volume of purchases of IT and electronic goods by at least 40% compared with 2019 and by 60% for other types of goods.
  5. Reduce the thermal and electrical energy consumed in the operation of buildings by 50% compared with 2019.
  6. Reduce the electric energy consumed by experimental research activities by 20% compared with 2019.
  7. Cover all thermal and electrical energy needs with 100% renewable energy.
  8. Reduce the average gross floor area per person by at least 20% compared with 2019.
  9. Adopt an institutional operation that leaves ample room for experimentation and socio-economic innovation.
  10. Strengthen UNIL's interdisciplinary research community on transition issues.
  11. Train the entire UNIL community in sustainability.Reduce the proportion of commuting by motorised individual transport (MIT) by 50% compared with 2019.
  12. To double the share of commuting by car and foot compared with 2019.
  13. To double the share of commuting by car and foot compared with 2019.
  14. To double the share of commuting by car and foot compared with 2019.
  15. To double the share of commuting by car and foot compared with 2019.
  16. Increase the proportion (by mass) of food of plant origin offered in cafés by at least 30% compared with 2019.
  17. Increase the proportion (by mass) of Swiss food products by at least 50% compared to 2019.
  18. At least triple the share (by mass) of organic-labelled food products compared with à 2019.
  19. Maintain 60% of undeveloped land on the Dorigny campus.
  20. Improve the state of the ecological infrastructure on the campus.
  21. Achieve a canopy index of 27% on the Dorigny campus.
  22. Accentuate the co-production of knowledge on transition that is useful to society's stakeholders.

Expected effects

The CAP2037 transition strategy aims to reduce UNIL’s environmental impact in order to put the University on a trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement and planetary limits.

The CAP2037 transition strategy aims to reduce UNIL’s environmental impact in order to put the University on a trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement and planetary limits.

The CAP2037 transition strategy aims to reduce UNIL’s environmental impact in order to put the University on a trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement and planetary limits.

The CAP2037 transition strategy aims to reduce UNIL’s environmental impact in order to put the University on a trajectory compatible with the Paris Agreement and planetary limits.

If the 20 transition objectives set for 2037 are achieved, it is estimated that UNIL's carbon footprint will have been reduced by 45% and that of global biodiversity by 34%.

These reductions in impacts are considerable, but are not sufficient to achieve the final thresholds, in particular a reduction in CO2&sub>eq. of 75% by 2037.

To go beyond the possible reductions at UNIL, societal changes will be necessary. Thus, several objectives of the CAP2037 strategy aim to stimulate these changes at different levels, in particular through:

The CAP2037 strategy aims to stimulate these changes at different levels, in particular through

  • Training, both of the UNIL community and beyond, via continuing education and collaborations with colleges.
  • Research and the involvement of researchers on themes related to sustainability and the transformations it entails.
  • Collaboration with local players on transition issues.

These interventions at different levels have the potential to accelerate the transition of UNIL and society as a whole.