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Reflections and debates

List of associations promoting reflection and debate.

Who are we?

‘Philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways, now it's a question of transforming it!’ K. Marx

The Association of Marxist Students of UNIL (ASEMA) brings together people from all faculties with the aim of building revolutionary forces to intervene in the student and worker movements and promote a radical socialist alternative.

ASEMA has two main objectives. On the one hand, it aims to educate on questions of Marxist theory, history and the class struggle, economics and the critique of capitalism, philosophy, current issues and movements of struggle. This objective is achieved on a regular basis through our reading and discussion circles, our publications and our public conferences.

ASEMA also aims to organise political action among students and the working class. We aim to put the ideas of Marxism into practice by working to build the student movement and by supporting the various struggles of the workers' movement and the oppressed classes in our society.

Fight with us for socialism, join us!

CRUEL understands you! Knowing how to handle words, recognising the tricks behind speeches and expressing yourself brilliantly in public are essential qualities for academics and everyone else. Since 2016, CRUEL has been supporting students in their quest for the right words and oral fluency. To achieve this, weekly sessions are offered where young (and not so young) speakers come to sharpen their verve and critical faculties so as to be able to exchange ideas, defend an idea and convince others. In short, practice your rhetoric.

If debating is how you become a debater, then there's no better way to improve than by practising. Every week, CRUEL offers its members and the curious an opportunity to argue on carefully selected topics. Pertinent, funny, absurd, ancient - everything is a pretext for confrontation. But always benevolent, never nasty, CRUEL disowns its acronym and makes sure that everyone feels at ease - after all, public speaking is never easy.

So, public speakers, beginners or veterans, CRUEL invites you to join us in making speech a game and words a pleasure!

PS: biscuits and tea included!

For those with a passion for going further and higher, here's a small list of our events outside the sessions:

  • The Concours romand d'Éloquence, a collaboration between the four universities in French-speaking Switzerland since 2018.
  • The Championnat International de Débat Francophone, organised by the Université St-Joseph de Beyrouth since 2016.
  • The activities organised each year by the CRUEL during the Mystères de l'Unil.
  • Workshops on ancient rhetoric, as part of the Roman Day organised by the Roman Museum in Nyon.
  • A mock trial in ancient style, for the 40th anniversary of the Roman Museum in Nyon in 2019.
  • And, on a more regular basis, workshops on rhetoric given in secondary school classes.

Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Espace associations
Bâtiment Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne



Association des étudiants curieux-ses d'en découvrir plus sur le monde

We offer our members and the curious the opportunity to explore the different fields of study and varied centres of interest present at the university. By encouraging these exchanges, we hope to create a real cross-fertilisation of knowledge, paving the way for new perspectives and enriching collaborations between students from different disciplines.

Through discussions on societal issues, popular lectures and podcasts exploring a variety of concepts, we showcase each other's specialist knowledge and enable students to share their backgrounds and ideas.

These interactions encourage the emergence of collaborations and innovations within the university community.

Join us and take part in this intellectual adventure, where every encounter is a chance to discover something new and exciting.

In a society that is increasingly subject to the watchwords of competitiveness, but where more and more people are excluded, where companies are making huge profits by laying off large numbers of people, where politics bends to the dictates of profitability, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis, where the economy is in a state of crisis and where the economy is in a state of crisis; companies are making huge profits through mass redundancies, and politics is pandering to the imperatives of economic profitability;It is also a time when the participation of citizens in policy-making has never been so limited;The dominant discourse seeks to impose this model as unacceptable in the face of today's realities.

The Groupe Regards Critiques opposes this line of argument and believes that it is still worthwhile to collectively develop alternatives and promote their concrete implementation.

Our collective has been bringing together assistants and students at UNIL since 1988. It aims to be an open and pluralist forum for reflection, discussion and critical action on the world in which we live, and on the University in which we are involved on a daily basis. To this end, the group is proposing three angles of approach:

  • a weekly meeting where current issues are discussed;
  • the organisation of conferences on various subjects and one or two colloquia per year. These events allow us to invite speakers from outside UNIL and contribute to a fruitful exchange of ideas.

Finally, we actively participate in the various struggles taking place on the university site to promote a democratic, non-sexist and supportive University.

The group's meetings are open to everyone, there's no need to register, and participation is informal.

Our website provides information on all our activities, past, present and future!

for the Regards Critiques Group
Christiane Fritz & Antonin Wyse


Université de Lausanne
UNIL-Chamberonne district
Anthropole Anthropole 5100
CH-1015 Lausanne

The Mosaïque association, which has been present on the campus of the University of Lausanne since 1997, aims to raise awareness among its members and the university community of the issues and problems of the international scene, the diplomatic world and current political affairs.

As an interfaculty association, Mosaïque is open to students from all faculties and welcomes students on exchange.

To achieve its objectives, Mosaïque organises various activities on the Lausanne university campus. Among other things, Mosaïque periodically organises conferences and debates on international current affairs, as well as theme days.

Finally, Mosaïque also aims to introduce its members to the world of diplomacy. To this end, it encourages and helps its members to take part in Model United Nations (MUN) simulations. These events bring together a large number of students from the world's most prestigious universities. In particular, they enable them to familiarise themselves with UN procedures and mechanisms.


Université de Lausanne
UNIL  - Dorigny
Internef - bureau n° 234
CH-1015 Lausanne

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PALA: Psychedelics Association of Lausanne for Awareness aims:

  • The popularisation of scientific knowledge in relation to psychoactive substances, in particular as regards their relevance in clinical psychology;
  • Information and prevention on the methods and risks associated with the use of psychoactive substances for recreational purposes.

To this end, the association organises various types of events such as conferences with specialists on the subject, debates and screenings.

In order to encourage our members to build up a scientific knowledge base on the subject, we organise Papers Clubs where members choose a popularised article which they must then present to the rest of the association's members.

Don't hesitate to contact us!

+41 77 210 50 33

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The student association Rethinking Economics Lausanne is committed to pluralism in teaching and research in the economic sciences. Economics is a complex and contextual subject. The economic sciences therefore require a variety of methods and themes in order to understand their subject. Our association is convinced that a pluralist vision of the economy is necessary to solve today's societal problems. Not only pluralism of theories and methods, but also interdisciplinary approaches to the economy are important to us. While different types of economic thought, such as post-Keynesian economics, institutional economics, Marxist political economics, and so on, have been the subject of much debate, it is also the subject of much discussion;If you're interested in Marxist political economy, ecological economy, behavioural economy and many others, you've come to the right place! Also, intersectional issues between economics and other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, history or sociology, to name a few, will be addressed by our association.

Rethinking Economics Lausanne organises events (conferences, workshops, reading groups, etc.) that aim to highlight the diversity of the many possible approaches to the economic sciences. Our events are open to all: whether you are a student of political economy wishing to explore the wealth of economic theories that go beyond maximisation under constraint, or any student interested in economic science issues. Our association aims à to offer à everyone·e the opportunityⅇ to discuss the different approaches to current èmes économic problems and benefits from the wealth of perspectives of all of you.

For more information on our events and news, visit our Facebook page.  

The Rethinking Economics Lausanne committee looks forward to meeting you!


Anthropole building
Association space Espace Association – Boîte aux lettres n° 6
CH-1015 Lausanne

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It is the responsibility of the associations to inform us of any changes to be made to the content via the address