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Enhancing methods

The CSE is available to teachers and teaching assistants at UNIL who are interested in sharing and developing their methods. There are many ways to make the most of your teaching commitment, and these can be implemented with the support of the CSE's pedagogical adviser.

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In recent years, innovative teaching practices have proliferated at UNIL. However, these practices are still not widely known or spread. Yet they represent added value for the institution, and a wealth of examples for fellow faculty members at UNIL, in Switzerland and internationally.

To support you in this process, we offer you our knowledge in the field of educational research, our network of experts in the field and our own expertise (text feedback, for example).

Process and description

We can highlight your innovations in teaching and your unique practices in the following ways:

  • through the production of a CSE teaching resource intended for fellow teachers, in the spirit of “sharing practices”;
  • through a presentation at an academic conference bringing together members of the higher education community;
  • by writing a scientific article to be published in a journal specialized in pedagogy;
  • by producing a video presenting the project that can be broadcast on the CSE's YouTube channel.

Examples of conferences :

  • Congrès de l’AIPU  (biennial)
  • Colloque international de l’ADMEE-Europe  (annuel)
  • Congrès of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - STLHE SAPES (annual)
  • Colloque de l'Association pour l’Utilisation Pédagogique des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication en éducation - (annuel)
  • Conference of the International Consortium for Educational Development - ICED (biennial)
  • Congrès international d’Actualité de la Recherche en Éducation et en Formation - AREF (annuel)
  • Questions de pédagogie dans l'enseignement supérieur - QPES (biennial)

Examples of journals :

Example of a collection:

  • Pedagogies in practice books - created on the initiative of the Centre de soutien à l'enseignement of the University of Lausanne and Perform of Grenoble INP - Université Grenoble Alpes
    A series of books aimed at teachers and all those involved in the pedagogical transformation of higher education in the French-speaking world. Each book contains an analysis of six of ten educational systems from a number of different contexts and institutions. The books are written by teachers and accompanied by educational support teams.