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Project support

The role of students

  1. Find a topic and indicate your interest : Available topics are proposed in the heading Choose a project . You contact us to indicate your interest and check your eligibility.
  2. Find an academic supervisor : Based on the practices of your home faculty, you identify the·e lecturer who will agree to supervise your work. If necessary, we can help you. In some cases, the academic supervisors are identified in advance and the subjects proposed directly by your teachers.
  3. Consultation with stakeholders : A séance is organised with the field partner, the student·e and the academic supervisor. This enables the project specifications to be agreed.
  4. Carry out the work : You do the expected work and mobilise Confluence for field questions and collaborative methodologies.
  5. Participate in project monitoring sessions: 3 sessions (start, middle, end) are organised to facilitate the sharing of learning and mutual support between projects.
  6. Communicating results and valuing impact : Completed projects are promoted by emphasising results as well as learning. Original promotion formats are encouraged. Impacts are evaluated and monitored over time.

The role of the Interface team

  1. Welcome the interested student: In the majority of cases, the students and the partners in the field have changed beforehand and have agreed on a potential theme for the dissertation. They then ask you to become their academic supervisor for the project. You can also suggest topics that reflect your knowledge of the field and benefit from Confluence's support.
  2. Accompany the maturation of dissertation topics : according to the usual procedures of your faculty, you will accompany your students·es in the maturation of their dissertation topic.
  3. Co-designing the project specifications : You will take part in a wide-ranging consultation session involving the partner in the field, the student and their academic supervisor. This process culminates in the definition of a project format, deliverables and a period of welcome for the student. We provide logistical support.

The role of teacher-researchers

  1. Welcome the interested student: In the majority of cases, the students and the partners in the field have changed beforehand and have agreed on a potential theme for the dissertation. They then ask you to become their academic supervisor for the project. You can also suggest topics that reflect your knowledge of the field and benefit from Confluence's support.
  2. Accompany the maturation of dissertation topics : according to the usual procedures of your faculty, you will accompany your students·es in the maturation of their dissertation topic.
  3. Co-designing the project specifications : You will take part in a wide-ranging consultation session involving the partner in the field, the student and their academic supervisor. This process culminates in the definition of a project format, deliverables and a period of welcome for the student. We provide logistical support.
  4. Supervising the work of the student : According to the modalities in use, you provide academic supervision of your student. We are available and adapt to academic requirements. We ensure that collaboration runs smoothly and provide individual support on collaborative methodologies.