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Information and data management

Browsing, searching and filtering data, assessing the credibility of information and managing digital content.

The courses and self-study modules offer thematic content with practical exercises on various tools. Information about the tools is specific to them, with technical tutorials on how to use them.

If you need methods rather than tools, don't forget the success workshops dedicated to note-taking.

Courses and self-study

This module is offered by the University of Fribourg as part of its ‘C'est plus facile avec le numérique’ course.

Learning objectives

  1. Be familiar with the main types of graph for classifying and structuring qualitative information
  2. To be familiar with and use a concept map tool such as XMind and a table-making tool for classifying and structuring qualitative information.
  3. Be familiar with the main types of graph for quantitative information
  4. Know and use a spreadsheet tool such as Excel to prepare quantitative data, make simple calculations and graphical visualisations with such data

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle.

Processing qualitative and quantitative information’ module

This module is offered by the University of Fribourg as part of its ‘C'est plus facile avec le numérique’ course.

Learning objectives

  1. Know and choose scientific bibliographic databases to search for thematic information
  2. Know and use the main functions of a scientific bibliographic database to search for thematic information
  3. Knowing, obtaining and configuring the electronic bibliography management tool Zotero
  4. Know and use Zotero's functions for storing and managing bibliographic references electronically
  5. Learn about and use Zotero Group's collaborative features to create and manage an electronic bibliography as a team.

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle

Search and manage bibliographic information’ module

This module is offered by the University of Fribourg as part of its ‘C'est plus facile avec le numérique’ course.

Learning objectives

  1. Know and apply the advanced functions of various digital tools for taking multimedia notes in various digital files.
  2. Know and apply the advanced functions of Zotero for creating and managing notes and generating reports from several notes
  3. Know and apply Zotero's advanced functions for extracting notes from documents in PDF format.

Format: Video clips and in-depth exercises on Moodle

Taking notes for lectures or reading’ module

The BCU and the CI are offering workshops (beginners and advanced) on the use of Zotero, open source bibliographic management software.

Beginners' workshop - BCU

  • Managing and organising your bibliographic references
  • Format: 30-minute video

Advanced workshop - BCU

  • Creating a bibliography and sharing references
  • Format: 45-minute video

BCU Zotero training modules

Beginners' workshop - Computer centre

  • Managing and inserting bibliographic references with Zotero
  • Format: 30-minute video clips

CI Zotero training module

Tools and software made available by UNIL


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