To offer members of the university community:
The Centre de langues used continuous assessment. Meeting the requirements of the courses allows learners to obtain a certificate and credits (these need to be accepted by your Faculty).
More information on the practical information page
"Plagiarism, the fabrication or falsification of findings are unanimously considered as serious accusations, which can be punished by the university or even lead to legal proceedings. These infractions are not compatible with the University’s Charter which stipulates that UNIL: “aimes to produce and transmit knowledge which has been validated by collective verification methods, involving honesty, independence, interdisciplinarity, debate and discussion". (Directive de la Direction 0.3. Code de déontologie en matière d'emprunts, de citations et d'exploitation de sources diverses)
Definition: "Plagiarism is the use (even occasional, partial or reformulated) of somebody else’s text, in order to present it as one’s own work, or without referring to its source". (Directive 3.15.1 de la Direction de l'UNIL)
Copying, or hacking into, the material (digital, printed or in other form) in the Multimedia Space (online or in any other format) is forbidden.