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All Mandarin Chinese modules

We offer learning opportunities, either parallel to or integrated into the study programme, to help students acquire language skills adapted to the university environment and useful for their professional future and social integration.

Course structure

The transparency of training courses at international level and the consistency of learning objectives and levels is ensured by linking them to European standards.

Language learning requires a great deal of commitment and hard work, even outside group periods. Before you enrol, make sure you have the time to put in the essential work.

If you are placed in a group, you agree to follow the module in its entirety and in a regular manner.

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)
Registration (EPFL Students)

Modules you need to sign up for

The objectives of the “integrated skills” modules are to enable participants :

  • to begin to learn a new language
  • to develop existing skills and make them more specific

These modules are largely based on communication. They aim to develop skills which will enable learners to use the language for various reasons in a variety of contexts. These modules also aim to develop cultural and intercultural aspects as well as the ability to learn independently.

Teaching methods and activities are varied and interesting. They involve discussions, listening exercises, role-plays, games, watching videos and reflecting on how we learn.

Over a short period during the intersemesters, the intensive modules enable students to broaden their general communicative skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) through varied and stimulating activities: discussions, listening exercises, role-playing, games, videos, reflection on learning, etc.

Intensive modules

Chinese calligraphy (summer break)

Modules which require no registration

To allow you to continue to learn a language and communication skills without joining a module, the Language Centre offers free-access periods in the Multimedia Centre (EMA). There are two ways to access the EMA:

  1. Remote access: use our PlurieL learning platform to connect online at any time
  2. On campus : go to the EMA room (Anthropole, room 1060) during the semester, so long as it is a "free-access" period (see times on our homepage). There is no need to register beforehand. Someone will be on hand to show you how the EMA works. You will have access to learning activities which are not available online

The EMA contains resources that have been specially designed for autonomous language learning. It is organised in such a way as to allow you to locate easily activities corresponding to your level and to your needs. The EMA will provide you with information and tools to help you manage your learning.