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Employment prospects

Secondary I

Important at lower secondary level, employment prospects depend on the division of subjects in classes and the curricula of secondary schools.

Currently, the outlook is particularly good for maths and German teachers. The outlook for other subjects is uncertain.

One, two or three subjects in Secondary I?

Teaching just one subject is an option, but job opportunities vary depending on the branch. To boost your career prospects, add a second, or even third, subject to your training. Extend your training to include a second, or even third, subject.

Opportunities are wider if you combine a high-salary subject (French, languages, maths) with another subject (geography, history, economics and law, etc.).

Secondary II

Currently, gymnasia and vocational colleges are looking primarily for maths and German teachers. For the other subjects, requirements depend on the timetable allocations set out in the study plans.

To increase your chances, you can extend your training by one year to obtain a Master's degree in teaching for secondary level I.

One or two subjects at secondary II?

The commitment to single-discipline specialists at upper secondary level is particularly valid for disciplines with a high hourly allocation, such as French and German.

For disciplines with a lower hourly allocation, the HEP Vaud advises combining them with another subject (for example, sport and geography, Latin and German).