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Architectural and technical projects

Numerous projects are planned or underway on the campus. The aim of these projects is to meet the varied needs of UNIL's users, but also to increase the accommodation capacity for members of a constantly growing university community.

Projects in progress

Preserving and renovating existing facilities is a major challenge for Unibat, which is committed to meeting the needs of everyone while improving the performance of the University's buildings. This is why major energy optimisation work is being carried out in a number of these buildings, and several roof, facade and infrastructure renovation projects are underway or planned.

Several refurbishments are also being carried out to rationalise and improve the use of office space and common areas. This is already the case for the premises of the FORS foundation, Géopolis, the Anthropole education support centre and our own offices at Ferme de la Mouline.

The sports area has been refurbished to make better use of the space.

The sports area is also affected by renovations and new facilities, including changing rooms as well as natural and synthetic pitches, but also constructions such as the Smart training pavilion, which offers a connected sports space.  

Finally, the campus is (or will soon be) the site of several new construction projects or major transformations, for which the CoPil des constructions universitaires, delegated by the Conseil d'Etat, is the project manager. This steering committee, which is made up of representatives of UNIL, EPFL, the Directorate General of Higher Education and the Directorate General of Buildings and Property, is responsible for examining strategic and technical planning and for overseeing the large-scale projects listed below.

Extension of the Unithèque

Building an extension to the Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire (BCU) and bringing the building into compliance. This project is in line with the constant increase in the number of staff at UNIL, as the BCU was designed for a community of around 6,000 students and now caters for 15,000 people. The restaurant will also be enlarged and the flow of people through the building improved. Work began in June 2020 and is scheduled for completion in August 2025.


Construction of a new building to meet the future needs of UNIL, in particular the Faculty of Biology and Medicine, and EPFL. Ultimately, the building will also house the Dubochet Imaging Centre (cryoTEM). Work will start in 2025 and will be completed in 2028.

Génopode extension

Construction of an extension to temporarily house the Dubochet Imaging Centre (cryoTEM), prior to its final installation at Biocosme. Construction began in May 2022 and the building was inaugurated in September 2023.

New building for the Humanities

Construction of a new building to meet the future needs of UNIL, in particular the Faculty of Human Sciences and the Faculty of Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC). Construction will begin in May 2026 and be completed by the end of 2028.

Renovation of the wings and shell of the Amphipole

Renewal of the building to improve its energy performance. The project is currently in the study phase and is scheduled for completion in 2028 for the wings and 2031 for the building envelope.

Refurbishment and extension of heating production on the Dorigny campus

Construction of a heating plant with heat pumps using lake water. Work will start at the end of 2024 and will be completed during 2026.

Expansion of the lake water pumping station

Creation of a lake pipeline, extension of the existing pumping station and adaptation of the pipeline network on the Dorigny site. Commissioning took place by 2024.

Large consumers

Optimisation work on energy installations in several buildings on campus to reduce UNIL's energy consumption. Given the scale of the project, the work will be carried out over a ten-year period, until 2030.

Heavy maintenance framework credit

Maintenance work on several buildings on campus (facades, roofs, general infrastructure).

Renaturation of the Chamberonne

Important works to collect surface water from the Broye stream and discharge it into the Chamberonne, which will see its flood discharge significantly increased and whose bed will have to be enlarged. The work will be carried out between 2026 and 2028.