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CIVIS mobility and career development programme



As part of the CIVIS Alliance   administrative and technical staff (PAT) at UNIL can benefit from European professional and personal experience allowing the sharing of expertise, the broadening of intercultural skills and exchanges with colleagues working in similar departments.

CIVIS encourages this synergy by organising workshops and training courses that are open to all staff. The costs are covered by the CIVIS team.

CIVIS member universities value academic freedom, intellectual principles and a culture of excellence. Strongly rooted in their cities and regions, they promote civic values such as civic-mindedness, liberty and solidarity, and are actively engaged in addressing societal challenges.

The CIVIS member universities are all part of the CIVIS network.

Staff members at UNIL wishing to take part in a workshop offered by CIVIS or to set up such a meeting at the University of Lausanne are invited to contact the CIVIS Unit.

Past programmes

International Week on Teaching and Learning

  • April 15-18, 2024
  • Organised by Stockholm University
  • Objective : to facilitate the exchange of experiences and ideas between counterparts at partner universities by integrating digital advances.
Cécile Mathou and Jean-François Van de Poël

Cécile Mathou and Jean-François Van de Poël


"This pooling of resources is an asset. In fact, one of the Alliance's objectives is to promote educational innovation and the sharing of best practice in teaching and learning."

Find out more

Staff Week Designing micro-credentials with a civic approach

  • 26-30 June 2023
  • Organised by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Objective : To link micro-credentials with the civic values promoted by CIVIS, innovative pedagogies and an evidence-based approach through a sharing of good practice and ideas through thematic and methodological sessions combined with practical training.

Staff Week Libraries for CIVIS

  • 23-27 May 2022
  • Organized by Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Objective : to bring together librarians and library directors from CIVIS universities in order to identify points of connection and a common basis for cooperation.