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UNIL Open Access barometer

The UNIL Open Access Barometer is a tool for measuring the evolution of Open Access at UNIL.

The dynamic graphs show the Open Access status of Serval content in real time (updated daily).

The reports, which provide an overview of several Open Access-related parameters, are prepared at the beginning of the year and show the status at a specific date. The values represented in the reports will therefore necessarily differ from the real-time view.

The methodology page shows how the data were collected and processed before being entered into the graphs and reports.

Barometer 2024

Real-time barometer

OA rate in 2024

OA rate of publications published in 2024 and present in Serval (all types combined) as of today's date.

Five-year OA rate trend

Evolution of the OA rate of publications published over the last five years and present in Serval (all types combined) as of today's date.

Evolution of the OA rate over the last five years (by type of publication)

Evolution of the OA rate over the last five years by type of publication (check or uncheck the boxes on the right to modify the graph).

OA rates by publishing house over the last five years for articles

OA rate by publishing house. These data are obtained for Serval records with a DOI that can be found in the Unpaywall database (i.e. mostly articles).

Annual reports