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Key figures

Graphs and statistics to help you visualise, grasp and understand life at UNIL.

Key indicators

Student body

Bringing together various statistical cockpits (UNISIS) and surveys to gain a better understanding of student life and flows. The richness of these results, which enable us to take a precise pulse of the state of the student body, is due in particular to the surveys carried out by various departments.

Degrees and doctorates

The future of its PhD graduates is a key concern for UNIL. The Graduate Campus service analyses career paths to prepare them as effectively as possible for their transition to the world of work.

International agreements

Key figures concerning the breakdown of agreements between the University of Lausanne and other universities (network, Swiss mobility, general, Faculty or SEMP).

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UNIL staff

Key figures on the distribution and development of UNIL staff in FTE (full-time equivalent) and in absolute numbers of staff and by Faculty.

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Income, expenditure and funding - UNIL's financial health at a glance, in graph form.

Gender equality

What is the gender breakdown by professions and Faculty? What changes are we seeing in female representation on the teaching staff?

Equality figures


UNIL collects indicators to measure its impact on the environment. Constantly updated in relation to the data available, these dashboards provide a picture of the university's consumption of energy and natural resources. 

The university in figures

UNIL statistical yearbooks

Statistics compiled since the 1990s are available for consultation.

Data requests and Training

If you need clarification, cannot find the information you are looking for or would like to find out more about statistical training courses, please contact UNISIS.