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Main UNIL site - Dorigny

The map

"Planète UNIL" (map) in PDF

Practical and compact, the pocket-sized map of the University of Lausanne will accompany you wherever you go on campus, so you'll never get lost. Download the document in PDF or obtain it free of charge from your faculty or from Amphimax reception (2nd floor, next to the IT Helpdesk).

Download the map


To make it easier for users to find their way around the main site of the Université de Lausanne, it has been divided into five quartiers. The signaling system allows you to find your way around quickly, thanks to the walls at the entrance and inside each district.


From Lausanne station

  1. Métro m2, direction "Croisettes", transshipment at "Lausanne-Flon" stop
  2. Continue métro m1, direction "Renens CFF"
  3. Stops "UNIL-Chamberonne", "UNIL-Mouline" or "UNIL-Sorge"

Along the lake

  1. Métro m2, direction "Ouchy-Olympique"
  2. Following bus 24, direction "Bourdonette" 
  3. Stop "Sports UNIL-EPFL"

From Renens station

  1. Métro m1, direction "Lausanne Flon"
  2. Stops "UNIL-Sorge", "UNIL-Mouline" or "UNIL-Chamberonne"


  1. Bus 31, direction "Venoges sud"
  2. Stops "UNIL-Mouline" or "UNIL-Sorge"

Consult the timetables

From the motorway

  1. Direction "Lausanne-Sud"
  2. Exit "UNIL-EPFL"
  3. Following "UNIL"
  4. UNIL-(neighbourhood name), ex: UNIL-centre
  5. Parking-(neighbourhood name), ex: Parking-centre

UNIL-Centre district

UNIL-Chamberonne district

UNIL-Lac district

UNIL-Mouline district

UNIL-Sorge district

A little history

The structural changes that the University of Lausanne has undergone in recent years have made it necessary to rename some of the buildings on the Dorigny site. Indeed, how could we continue to refer to the BEP (School of Pharmacy Building) when it had moved to Genoa?

Taking advantage of this situation, a project was launched to transform all the designations in the interests of consistency but also openness, since until then all the names were based on acronyms, which were relatively abstruse for the uninitiated.

A campus-wide project

The academic community was initially consulted through a call for ideas. This electronic survey received 159 responses between 3 December 2004 and 3 January 2005, 60 of which were serious.

Tag words

Finally, the Rectorat chose to turn to a team of professionals: the bureau d'architecte Merlini & Ventura. They chose the mot-valise method. A word made up from scratch from two other words and, a priori, without any meaning of its own, other than the one it creates for itself.... Thus "motel" (motor + hôtel) and "arteplage" (artificial + beach, a creation of Merlini & Ventura) have passed into common parlance.

Walk on the Dorigny site with the FAE (2021)
