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Conditions of use of the UNIL archives

The archives held by UNIL are made available under certain conditions (licences, user agreements, etc.).


The documents conserved by UNIRIS are mainly texts, photos, films, sound recordings, posters, objects and prints, the authors of which are not always known to UNIL. Among these documents:

  • some are the property of UNIL.
  • some are uniquely dépôt à UNIL because of their link with documentary collections of scientific value.

Therefore, there is a need to clarify access to and use of these documents.

Authorisation in principle

Any person with an interest in consulting a document mentioned above is authorised to freely share, modify and use the public information, works for which UNIL or UNIRIS holds exclusive rights and UNIRIS databases, by applying these same freedoms to third parties.

Any person must obtain, from the rights holders, the rights to use documents or information of which UNIL or UNIRIS is not the owner, for any use other than private or educational, in particular for publication or for any commercial use.

Any person is required to comply with the conditions set out in an agreement governing rights of use.

Public information owned by UNIL

Thoses following informations is public and the property of UNIL:

  1. Administrative archives produced by UNIL units and which may be consulted in accordance with the law (law on archiving (LArch ) of 14 June 2011, law on information (LInfo ) of 24 September 2002, law on the protection of personal data (LPrD) of 11 September 2004)
  2. Documents/information received by UNIL units and used in the course of their activities, which may be consulted in accordance with the law (LArch; LInfo; LPrD)
  3. Information whose communication does not constitute a right under current legislation, but which has been publicly disseminated
  4. Intellectual works (photographs, drawings, illustrations, plans, sketches, literary writings, etc.) for which UNIL owns the economic rights
  5. Databases containing information as identified in points 1 to 4 above
  6. Information available on the UNIRIS web pages.

This public information may be re-used in accordance with the user licence described below.

User licence

Public information that is made available by UNIRIS is done so under the CC BY-SA 4.0 International (Attributions - sharing under the same conditions ) licence, with the exception of information that has fallen into the public domain. These are indicated by the mark Public Domain.   

Anyone is free:

  • to share (copy, distribute and use public information)
  • to create (produce new creéations a from the public information while respecting the conditions of use of the original documents)
  • to adapt this information (mélange or transform public information and build a from the latter while respecting the conditions of use of original documents)

Any person has the obligation:

  • to mention the source in the following form:
    Université de Lausanne, UNIRIS, cote and/or url
  • to share, under the same conditions (if an adapted version of the information is used publicly, it must be used under the same rules as those appearing on the documents serving as a basis)
  • to keep open (if public information is redistributed, technical or legal measures restricting its uses are prohibited)

This licence is a approved for free cultural works licence.

Other information provided by UNIRIS

In addition to public information owned by UNIL, UNIRIS also provides a number of documents whose economic rights do not belong to’UNIL orà UNIRIS, but which are related to the history of UNIL. These are mainly intellectual works (photographic works, drawings, illustrations, plans, sketches, literary writings, documents, etc.) which come from other archive centres, museums or other institutions in charge of preserving documentary heritage.

These works are brought together by UNIRIS with the aim of facilitating the work of researchers and because they often constitute a serial continuity with other public information held by UNIRIS.

For this type of document, anyone is free:

  • to use this information for private purposes (restricted circle of people: family, close friends, close work colleagues) or pedagogical

For this type of document, anyone has the obligation:

  • to mention the source of the information, in the following form:
    Université de Lausanne, UNIRIS, cote (and/or url), © Author
  • to discuss with the owners the question of rights of use in the event of commercial use (publication of a book or other) or distribution via the internet. Quoting the source is not sufficient and does not give any right of use.

Information made available by UNIRIS and governed by an agreement governing rights of use

UNIRIS wishes to draw the attention of all persons wishing to have access to information which is the subject of an agreement governing the rights of use to the fact that they must respect these rights.

It is recommended that users contact UNIRIS to obtain available information concerning the rights linked to the works made available to them.

UNIRIS - Lausanne, 5 September 2014

Updates : 09.09.2015 - 20.09.2016 - 25.11.2020 (Public Domain)