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Validate the campus card

You can only access the functions and services of your campus card once it has been validated. When you validate your campus card, your administrative status details and validity dates will be printed on the rewritable area.


Validation is an operation that you carry out yourself by inserting your campus card into a validation terminal. These are available throughout the campus.

Find a validation point

Check the status of your campus card on MyUNIL

You can check the status of your campus card (Validated, Blocked or To be validated) at any time on MyUNIL, simply consult the status of the campus card. Once you have logged on to MyUNIL, click on your profile icon at the top left or on My Account, then select My campus card.

How to validate your card and update the rewritable zone

To validate your card and update the registrable area, please follow these steps:

  1. Insert the card in the validation terminal. 
    Attention to the direction of the card, the rewritable area must be placed up and to the right when inserting.
  2. Inserting your campus card into the terminal automatically validates your campus card.
  3. To update the rewritable area, select the "Rewrite card" button.
  4. When the registration is complete, your card is automatically selected.

Period of validity of the Campus card

Your campus card can only be validated once the half-yearly fee has been paid. There is a delay of approximately one week between the transfer and its processing. You can check the status of your campus card on MyUNIL (see below).

Your campus card will be valid for one semester until the date indicated after ‘Expiry date’. You will need to validate your campus card each semester to update the validity date, otherwise your card will be blocked.

If you change your status or faculty, you can update the information on your campus card at any time by validating it again at a terminal.

Your campus card can be validated as soon as it is received. Your campus card will be valid until the date indicated after "Validate". If your contract has been extended after this date, you can validate your campus card again to update the validity date. You can check the status of your campus card on MyUNIL. Once authenticated, click on your profile icon at the top left, then select My campus card.

Validation terminal

Validation terminals allow you to:

  • validate your campus card
  • consult your personal information
  • consult the validity date of your campus card
  • update your enrolment area

If you wish to check the balance of your campus card, please use a loading terminal. To view the balance and latest transactions, please use MyUnil or the Unil Campus mobile app available for iPhone  and Android . Please ignore balance and transaction information from validation terminals, these are not kept à up to date.

Validation machines are available at several locations on campus. You can consult our map to find out where they are located.

If your card is endorsed, if your information is not correctly updated or if any information seems incorrect, please consult our help