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Rectorate Advisory Committees

At the start of each term of office, the UNIL Rectorate sets up a number of Advisory Committees, each of which is tasked with helping the Rectorate to achieve its strategic objectives through advice and discussion.

These committees are a way of involving UNIL students and staff in its development, as a dynamic source of ideas and an active tool for consultation and assistance in decision-making.


  • Manage contact between the university community and the representatives of the catering and food outlets on the Dorigny campus.
  • Prioritise plans for changes to the catering offer (prices, opening times, significant changes to the offer and new outlets).
  • Determine the topics covered in the dietary quality reports and environmental audits of catering outlets.
  • Help to design and edit the satisfaction survey.
  • Participate in analysing and identifying solutions to the issues arising from these investigations and reports.
  • Contribute to the development of the frame of reference for a balanced and sustainable catering offer at UNIL.
  • Contribute to the Rectorate's thinking on changes to the catering offer, particularly as a result of changes in eating habits and in relation to sustainability issues.
  • If applicable, support projects to change the way in which UNIL's agricultural land is used, taking UNIL's sustainability policy into consideration.

Chair: Romano Hasenauer
Contact: Delphine Douçot and Jacotte Milhit
Rectorate representative: Benoît Frund

Find out more about the Food Committee


The purpose of the Library Committee is to ensure a regular exchange of information between the University and the Bibliothèque cantonale universitaire de Lausanne, particularly in terms of purchasing policy and budget management.

Chair: Daniele Maggetti, Faculty of Arts
Contact: Gilles Eggen
Rectorate representative: Estelle Doudet


The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee is a body for reflection and consultation on these issues at UNIL. It is made up of representatives from all Faculties and bodies.

Contact: Caroline Aegerter
Rectorate representative: Liliane Michalik

Find out more about the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee


  1. Address any teaching-related issues with a view to improving teaching practices at UNIL.
  2. Take a critical look at the development of university teaching and make recommendations on UNIL's positioning within this framework.

Chair: Andy Bécue, FDCA
Contact: Véronique Désormeaux
Rectorate representative: Giorgio Zanetti


The mission of the CQV is to promote a quality culture and to contribute to improvements in UNIL's quality assurance system.

Chair: Angela Ciuffi, FBM
Rectorate representative: Liliane Michalik
Committee webpage: Quality and Improvement Committee

Find out more about the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee


The CCR's mission is to support the Rectorate in its research policy and to accompany its implementation. It provides a forum for discussion and consultation on research issues at UNIL. The exchanges that take place within the CCR help to raise members' awareness of an institutional policy issue and to formulate proposals and recommendations for the Rectorate.

The CCR provides a means to:

  • Draw the Rectorate's attention to any problems encountered by researchers.
  • Provide advice on issues when requested by the Rectorate (e.g. advice on the award of a prize or consideration of a general issue).
  • Foster inter-faculty exchanges between Faculty members and representatives of ACIDUL* and the FAE**.
  • Allow the Rectorate to communicate and consult on its strategy and activities.
  • Provide an update on the progress of current or future projects, intentions, the results of negotiations, etc.
  • Promote and stimulate the various players involved in research: researchers and administrative and technical staff (statistics, international indicators, achievements, prizes, major or prestigious grants, etc.).

*Association of Senior and Junior Lecturers, Graduate Assistants and PhD students
** Federation of Student Associations

Chair: Sandrine Baume
Vice Chair: Christelle Cocco
Contact: Véronique Longchamp
Rectorate representative: Estelle Doudet

Note that some Faculties also have their own dedicated CCR.

The Research Committee has a special status insofar as it fulfils the requirements laid down by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

Minutes (in French)


The Committee's mission is to support the Rectorate in its academic relations policy and to accompany its implementation. The Committee is a forum for reflection and consultation on the issue of academic research at UNIL. The exchanges that take place within the Committee help raise members' awareness of an institutional policy issue and make proposals and recommendations to the Rectorate.

Chair: Camille Perrier Depeursinge
Contact: Mélanie Bosson
Rectorate representative: Estelle Doudet

Find out more about the Young Academics Committee


The University Sports Committee is the advisory body of the Sports Delegation (DEL Sports) and UNIL+EPFL Sports and Wellness (SSUE). It has authority to put forward any proposals concerning the activities of the SSUE. It is consulted, in particular, on the following matters:

  • New sports disciplines
  • Development policy and plans for university sports in Lausanne
  • Development policy and plans for the Dorigny Sports Centre (CSD)

It draws up an annual summary report on its activities for the attention of the DEL Sports.

Chair: Fabien Ohl, SSP
Contact: Marie-Christine Etienne
Rectorate representative: Jérôme Rossier

Visit the Sport Santé UNIL+EPFL (SSUE)'s website