The Gold Road (immediate Open Access publication with a processing fee) is open to articles, chapters and books. As a general rule, always use your third-party funds to cover the Gold OA fee (most funders cover it!). If you do not have external funding sources and check our Gold OA Fund.
Fonds Gold OATo find a source of funding for your Gold OA book please follow the steps below:
To find a source of funding for your Gold OA publication please follow the steps below:
Pilot project aimed at flipping subscription journals to fully Open Access journals. In 2020, 5 journals at Annual Reviews will be completely opened with no APCs to be paid by authors:
For more info, check their infographic.
UNIL/CHUV corresponding authors can publish free of charge an unlimited number of articles in Gold and Hybrid CUP journals (complete list here). Please check the list before choosing a journal to publish in Open Access. This agreement is valid for articles accepted after January 1, 2021 and will be retroactive.
Eligible article types:
For more information, visit the CUP website.
Publication fees in Cogitatio journals fully covered for UNIL corresponding authors.
UNIL/CHUV corresponding authors can publish free of charge in Gold and Hybrid Elsevier journals (full list here). Cell Press journals, «The Lancet» and selected society journals are not included in the agreement. Therefore, please consult the Excel list before choosing a journal to publish in Open Access. This deal is valid for articles submitted after January 1, 2020.
Please note: During the first three years (2020, 2021 and 2022), the number of items supported is subject to a national quota (2850, 3000 and 3150 respectively). If the number of articles exceeds these quotas in any of these years, the publication invoice will be sent directly to the author.
Eligible article types
After your article is accepted, corresponding authors will receive an e-mail with a link to the Elsevier Rights and Access Portal. Please enter University of Lausanne as the "Corresponding Author's Organization":
Then select the "Gold Open Access" option. It is not the default option.
This is the first transformative Read & Publish Big Deal agreement negotiated nationally by swissuniversities.
Read access to all Karger journals and open access publication of articles with the UNIL correspondence author in all Karger journals (Gold and Hybrid - full list here) at no extra cost to authors.
Corresponding authors from UNIL/CHUV can publish free of charge in all PLOS journals. This agreement is valid for articles accepted after February 1, 2022.
Instructions for authors:
UNIL/CHUV corresponding authors can publish free of charge inGold and Hybrid Taylor and Francis journals (full list here). Please check the list before choosing a journal to publish in Open Access.This agreement is valid for articles accepted after January 1, 2021.
Please note: During the first three years (2021, 2022 and 2023), the number of articles accepted is subject to a national quota (255, 357 and 449 respectively). Should the number of papers exceed these quotas in any of these years, the publication invoice will be sent directly to the author.
Eligible article types:
15% discount on APCs with Springer Open and Biomed Central for UNIL authors.
20% discount on MDPI fees for UNIL/CHUV researchers.
UNIL/CHUV authors are entitled to a 20% discount on Gold SAGE APCs.