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Dare to Try Every Career Day (JOM)

Teaser for the Dare to be a Career Day at UNIL

What is Dare to Try Every Career Day?

The dare to try every profession day (Journée Oser tous les Métiers - JOM) has been organised since 2003 throughout the canton of Vaud and elsewhere in Switzerland (Futur en tous genres étant the name of the national project).

The JOM introduces students in Years 7 and 9 to a world outside the clichés, not limited to traditionally female or male sectors.

The aims: to enable children to broaden their professional horizons beyond the stereotypical and to discuss freely with their parents the issues of career choice and other life choices.


The JOM at UNIL is reserved for children accompanying their parent or another close member of the university community. Registration is only possible through this person.


Caroline Aegerter
Egality office
Not present Thursday afternoons and Fridays
+41 21 692 20 59
