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Planning the year

Annual planning is a good way of organising your year, spreading your workload and setting medium- and long-term deadlines.

Load the calendar below, it includes the main deadlines and dates to remember. Fill it in according to your course programme, adapting it to the specific requirements of your faculty (exam dates and registrations, catch-up opportunities, etc.).

A few tips for planning your year

  • Participate in the Hospitality days. Read the documentation carefully.
  • Activate your IT account (email, myUNIL, etc.) as soon as you receive the details from the IT Centre.
  • Construct your course programme with the help of the assistants or study advisers and register for lessons.
  • Look for important premises and consult the notice boards regularly.
  • Go to the specific introductory sessions for your faculty.
  • Make a personal work schedule for yourself.
  • September 30: deadline for faculty transfer applications (form available on the Registration and Enrolment Service website).
  • Expand your personal work plan, modify it if necessary.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Cantonal and University Library.
  • Verify that you have taken note of the courses offered at the BCU, at the Language Centre, at the Computer Centre or at the Sports Centre.
  • Find students you could work with.
  • Enter fully into student life. For example, you will soon realise that your note-taking will become easier.
  • If necessary, take part in Success workshops to improve your various working methods and adapt them to the university context. 
  • Support your motivation: work in groups, take part in student activities or consider professional goals.
  • Mémorise the absolutely fundamental notions of each course (vocabulary, concepts, formulas).
  • If your faculty organises mock exams or tests, be prepared to take them.
  • If necessary, take part in Success workshops to improve your various working methods and adapt them to the university context.
  • Make an initial assessment: subjects where you are struggling, subjects you are assimilating well, amount of work for each subject.
  • On this basis, draw up a detailed study plan (dates, subjects, chapters).
  • Make sure you have a clear understanding of the objectives, the scope of each course and how they will be evaluated.
  • Check that your notes (lectures, readings) are complete.
  • Have the phone number of fellow students who could help you if necessary.
  • Take a few days off for Christmas, then start your visions.
  • Decide on the organisation of your exam session and follow the plan drawn up in December.
  • Set yourself reasonable work targets.
  • Give your best in exams.
  • Establish your work schedule for the spring semester.
  • Set yourself reasonable work targets.
  • Try to get all the material for the first few months back before classes start again.
  • Also get some rest before classes resume.
  • Make sure you stick to your work schedule.
  • Take time for rest and recreation, don't let yourself get untidy when you've decided to work.
  • Work in groups, but be sélective and don't allow yourself to be distracted or delayed.
  • If necessary, take part in Success workshops.
  • Decide on the organisation of your exam session.
  • Start preparing for your exams, set your priorities.
  • Beware of administrative delays. They are often shorter than you think.
  • Check that your notes are complete and of good quality.
  • Take advantage of the last few weeks of classes to ask any useful questions.
  • As exams approach, maintain a healthy lifestyle: physical activity, sleep, adapted food, regular work, relaxation.
  • If you start to stress or panic, get help (friends, SOC advisers, etc.).
  • If you fail, take stock of your situation and, depending on your findings, register for the make-up session, repeat the year or consider a change of direction.Don't hesitate to contact the Guidance and careers service.
  • If you have to redo an exam, be sure of the corrections to make to your préparation.

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