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Gender and digital

Objectives and activities

The "Égalité de genre et transformation numérique” project was born out of the observation that these two themes are treated as institutional and societal issues without points of contact between them, which significantly limits their a short- and long-term scope. 

By bringing together expertise in the fields of humanitarianism, digital technology, gender studies, the humanities, social sciences and entrepreneurship in a cross-disciplinary manner, the project team is able to draw on a wide range of experience and expertise;The project team aims to lay the foundations for a lasting connection between these issues, both within higher education and in the interaction between it and the city.

The "Égalité de genre et transformation numérique” project is the fruit of a collaboration between the Bureau de légalité de l’UNIL, the Bureau de l’égalité de l’EPFL, the HES-SO, the HEG-FR, the dhCenter UNIL-EPFL and the association StrukturELLE. It is supported by Swissuniversities, as part of the P7 project funding programme “Diversité, inclusion et é galité des chances dans le développement des hautes écoles (2021-2024)”.

Designed to run between 2022 and 2025, the project aims to: 

  • to establish a state of the art on the mutual effects of digital transformation and gender bias
  • generate innovative markets using digital technology to promote equality
  • d'étude concrete avenues for supporting féminine trajectories in the digital
  • to propose a guide to good practice in this area.

In order to meet these objectives and increase the social visibility of this theme, several types of activities will be developed:

  • Sitting
  • Video capsules presenting the work of specialists in the field
  • Moments of réseautage
  • Etc.

More information on the project website:

Towards gender equality in the digital age?

The first edition of the Assises "Vers une égalité de genre dans le numérique?" took place on 8 and 9 September 2022 à la Fribourg School of Engineering and Architecture.

This event was a first opportunity to bring together players from the fields of scientific research and the promotion of equal opportunities, as well as digital companies and the worlds of associations and politics.

The second edition of the Assises took place on 7 and 8 September 2023 at the University of Lausanne.

These meetings, punctuated by round tables, workshops and networking opportunities, highlighted innovative approaches combining digital technology and the promotion of equality. Held over two days, the conference was also an opportunity to look at concrete ways of supporting women's careers in the digital sector.

The next edition of the Assises will take place on February 13 and 14, 2025 on the EPFL campus. On the programme: best practice and practical applications for tackling gender challenges in digital transformation.

To keep up to date with news from the Gender and Digital Transformation project, sign up to its monthly newsletter and find it on:


Héloïse Schibler
Bureau de l'égalité
+41 21 692 23 22