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Le Foyer universitaire

Aims of the foundation

The University of Lausanne and the Rotary-Club of Lausanne have created under the name of "Le Foyer universitaire" a foundation with headquarters in Dorigny (Ecublens), which is registered in the commercial register of Morges. The foundation is of public interest and is non-profit.

Its aim is to contribute to the quality of life of students at the University of Lausanne, particularly in terms of accommodation, and to support projects aimed at encouraging cultural exchanges on campus and in general between students from the University of Lausanne.

It may carry out all activities useful to the achievement of its objectives, in particular acquiring and managing buildings, or participating in the acquisition and management of buildings or participating in projects related to student life.

Getting support


The following are eligible:

  • UNIL students running a project contributing to student well-being and their quality of life.
  • UNIL university units, departments and associations carrying out a project contributing to student well-being and their quality of life. Associations must have a bank account.


Approved candidates may receive a grant, the amount of which is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Requests for subsidies from students may in principle reach a maximum of CHF 10,000.

Requests for subsidies from units, services and associations are normally limited to a maximum of CHF 50,000.

The Foundation Board allocates financial support as it sees fit and notifies applicants of its decisions within 4 to 6 weeks, without any possibility of appeal.

Grant applications may be renewed by decision of the Foundation Board. To do so, applicants must submit a complete new grant application.

Applicants must also indicate whether they have applied for and/or received support from other public or private bodies and, if so, how much.

Deadline for applications for support

Applications for support may be submitted to the Foundation throughout the year. A reply will be given within 4 to 6 weeks.

Submitting a request

Support application forms:

If you have any problems, please contact

Documents to be provided

PDF to be attached to the form for students:

  • a covering letter explaining your aims, in French or English
  • a curriculum vitae
  • a detailed budget for the project
  • a copy of your student card or, if you do not have one, a certificate of enrolment

PDF to be attached to the form for units, departments and associations :

  • a covering letter explaining the aims of the project, in French or English
  • a detailed budget for the project

Reports to be submitted

The beneficiary must submit a report to the Foundation Board on the progress of his/her project, comprising :

an interim or final report of no more than 2 A4 pages, no later than one year following the decision to award the grant
a detailed financial report of expenditure incurred in connection with the project once it has been completed, no later than two years from the date the grant was awarded.


The beneficiary unit, department or association undertakes to mention the support obtained on its project communication media.


Fondation Le Foyer universitaire
UNIL | Université de Lausanne
CH-1015 Lausanne