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Autumn semester courses

More information on the workshops offered by the Bureau de l'égalité is available at:

9 October, 12pm – 2pm
Inclusive language: useful or futile?

Speaker : Dr Pascal Gygax, Reader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Fribourg
. Target audience: anyone who is a member of the UNIL community
. Registrations :

11 October, 9am - 5pm
Communication and visibility on social networks

Speakere : Virginie Pilault, adult educator, communications specialist, former RTS journalist (actualité radio – TV)
Target audiencele : atelier propos&e; dans le cadre du programme REGARD, à destination des doctorantes, post-doctorantes et professeures

24 October, 9am; 5pm; 25 October, 9am; 12.30pm
Popularising and talking to media

Speaker : Virginie Pilault, adult trainer, communications specialist, former RTS journalist (actualité radio – TV)
Target audience:workshop offered as part of the REGARD programme, aimed at doctoral students, post-doctoral students and professors
. Registration: 

31 October 2024, 12pm – 2pm
Écriture inclusive non-binary      

Speaker·e·xs: Noémie Schorer & Nyx, formateurices au sein de Décadrée, Institut de recherches, de formations et laboratoire dées sur l’égalité dans les médias
Target audience:any member of the UNIL community
. Registrations:

12 November 2024, 9am – 12pm
Inclusive visual communication

Speaker·es : Cléolia Sabot, doctoral student in social sciences and specialist in gender issues & Edy Ceppi, artistic director à UNICOM
Target audience: any member of the UNIL community

14 November 2024 1pm – 4pm
Conflict, harassment and discrimination: understanding, preventing and acting

Speakeres : Seema Ney, Bureau de l’égalité & Dr Christelle Rigual, Aide UNIL
Target audience: any member of the UNIL community

20 November, 27 November and 4 December 2024, 2pm – 5.30pm
Théâtre-forum antiraciste 

Speaker·e·xs : Association Specta(c)tor
Target audience : anyone who is a member of the UNIL community
. Registrations:

2 December, 9am to 5pm
. How to set up a research team

Speakere : Brigitte Guichard, psychologist FSP, trainer with brevet fédéral and company speaker
Target audience: workshop offered as part of the REGARD programme and aimed at doctoral students, post-doctoral students and professors
. Registrations: à coming

30 and 31 January 2025, 9am – 5pm
Inclusive recruitment

Speaker : Sigolène Chavane, expert and co-founder of the firm ARTEMIA spécialisé in inclusive recruitment
. Target audience: anyone in charge of recruitment, academic and non-academic, within the UNIL community
. Registrations:à come

Spring semester courses

More information on the workshops offered by the Bureau de l'égalité is available at:

18 March 2025, 9am – 12pm
Conflict, harassment and discrimination: understanding, preventing and acting

Speakeres : Seema Ney, Bureau de l’égalité & Dr Christelle Rigual, Aide UNIL
Target audience : anyone who is a member of the UNIL community

6 May 2025, 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Welcoming and supporting LGBTIQ people at school and at work

Speakere : Dr Caroline Dayer, cantonal délégu&e on issues of homophobia and transphobia in places of education
Target audience : any member of the UNIL community

25 and 26 August 2025, 9am – 5pm
Towards a more inclusive education

Speakers·es : Sophie Serry, Centre de soutien à l’enseignement and Seema Ney, Bureau de l’galité, as well as several specialists in the themes addressed
Target audience : any member of the UNIL teaching community
Registrations: à come

Online training

Available at all times.

Avoiding implicit bias in faculty recruitment

Target audience : anyone involved in faculty recruitment
Registrations (English training):

Understanding conflict and personal injury at work

Target audience  any staff member of the UNIL community

Sexism and sexual harassment: saying no, saying stop, that's my job!

Target audience : any member of staff of the UNIL community with managerial function

Tailor-made training

The Bureau de légalité offers tailor-made training or workshops at the request of a team, unit, department, etc..

You would like to raise your team's awareness of inclusive communication, personal integrity issues (including sexual harassment), equality, diversity and inclusion, inclusive recruitment, etc.

Please contact us.

Get in touch with us and together we'll build the workshop that's right for you :