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Abstracts 2009

Teaching doctor-patient communication based on interviews with actors in 1st MMed: impact of an individualised approach (F. Stiefel - FBM)

Medical students receive longitudinal teaching on doctor-patient communication, with gradual immersion in the subject over the first 4 years of study. The aim of the project is to modify the current teaching format of the 1st year of the Masters in Medicine (MMed), by enabling each student to develop their communication skills and knowledge through the experience of an interview with an actor simulating a complex situation (e.g. announcing a diagnosis of a disease or an illness). (e.g. announcing the diagnosis of an oncological disease), and to be supervised individually.

The project submitted aims to clarify whether an individualised pedagogical approach to this very challenging experience of being placed in a difficult situation is beneficial for students in terms of: 1) vetting, 2) analysis of practice.

If these two aspects are conclusive, a measurement of communication skills will form part of a research project under specific funding.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase

Accompanying evaluation of the FBM's first community immersion module (M.-C. Hofner - FBM)

Understanding health problems involves looking beyond the biomedical framework to consider a large number of parameters, such as the living and working context, the level of education, individual and collective resources, the characteristics of the care network, and the social and economic context;These include the context in which people live and work, their level of education, their individual and collective resources, the characteristics of the health care network, economic, political and social conditions, and so on. In other words, all medical practices must be analysed and understood from a community perspective.

The current form of medical studies at the FBM makes a significant contribution to this perspective by introducing a programme of teaching in community medicine and health into pre-graduate training. As part of this programme, a community immersion module will be introduced for the first time during the 2008-2009 academic year for 3rd year medicine students.

This 4-week module is designed to enable groups of 4 to 5 students, accompanied by a tutor, to explore a health problem in the field, using a pre-defined research method. The results are presented in a report, a poster and during an oral presentation at a conference.

This experiment, based on existing models, is due to take place regularly every 3rd year of the study. Because of its innovative nature in terms of learning content, research methodology and teaching methods, specialised skills are required;cialised skills, which are not currently available within our University Department of Community Medicine and Health (DUMSC) are proving to be essential.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase

SI: "Suicidal crisis: intervention training". Educational complement to the "Suicidal crisis: intervention training" course (J. Besson - FBM)

The aim of the SI (Suicide Intervention) project is to contribute to the Crise suicidaire : formation à l’intervention » course by offering its participants an online continuing education complement entitled Crise suicidaire : entraînement à l’intervention ». It will be based on the Form@tox interactive distance learning platform used by UNIL and CHUV, among others.

This project will take the form of audio interviews that can be consulted on the Internet with people displaying suicidal behaviour (actors). The learner will play the role of the speaker and conduct the thirty-minute interview, using multiple-choice dialogues. At the end of each interview, they will receive feedback on their options and, where appropriate, suggestions for more suitable answers, as well as any related reflections. They may also be referred to the various thematic materials in the Suicidal crisis: training and intervention course. The interviews will be available at all times to enable the user to test and investigate several possible interventions for the same situation. Initially, three interviews will be offered and then, each year, these will be updated with the introduction of an additional interview.

It is important to note that the interviews will be carried out by a team of experts.

Grounded by these audio training sessions, the aim of the SI project is to optimise the knowledge and skills acquired on the Suicidal crisis: training and intervention course for learners, while enabling them to perfect their listening skills and intervention techniques. In addition, this project focuses on supporting training participants who rarely come into contact with suicidal people, so that they can continue to practise from a preventative perspective.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase

A website to support teaching at the FBM & UNIL (P.-A. Michaud - FBM)

The presence of RISET and the desire of the FBM's Pedagogical Unit (UP) to set up a support programme for structured teaching from 2009 onwards are strong arguments for creating a site that can be integrated into the FBM's teaching programme;The project's objectives are to: 1) develop a new, more structured teaching programme; 2) develop a new, more structured teaching programme; 3) develop a new, more structured teaching programme; 4) develop a new, more structured teaching programme; 5) develop a new, more structured teaching programme; 6) develop a new, more structured teaching programme. The aims of the project are 1) to develop and make available a user-friendly, modular, relatively interactive, illustrated (médicale) training/awareness-raising tool that is free of charge and easy to use;free of charge and easily accessible on the UNIL E-learning platform; 2) to thus provide a support tool for the actual teaching of pedagogy.

Added value: Managers from the FBM and other Faculties, will be able to review certain teaching techniques or develop additional skills thanks to an attractive and scalable tool without significant human and financial resources, after taking part in a pre-requisite training module. CSE and UP tutors will be able to call on the site to provide practical, concrete examples of teaching approaches.

DUD II Sustainable urban development (B. Bochet - FGSE)

This project is an attempt to innovate in the teaching of sustainable urban development II seminars (illustrating the urban development I course). Today, the approach to urban sustainability mainly involves writing a report on one of the themes raised by the environmental, social or economic issues of urban development. This approach, while relevant, does not enable students to become aware of the interdependence between the dimensions or pillars of sustainability and the systemic dimension of the city. Exploratory experimentation with the use of SimCity software is at the heart of this project.

The central aim of this educational innovation is to use this software to help them develop holistic knowledge of the city and enrich their ability to discuss sustainable urban planning models. SimCity is an interesting tool for reflecting on the principles of growth associated with the urban planning models that underpin the SimCity city: For your city to continue to function, it is up to you to make it prosper and a pleasant place to live for your Sims (=inhabitants) (extract from the leaflet). This original experiment should enable us to identify the legitimacy of using such a tool as part of our teaching by identifying the urban planning and growth model on which the game is based and comparing it with different theoretical approaches;We also ask students to plan their city and write a report analysing their work on sustainable planning simulation.

Improving language expression using audio-visual documents (T. Jeanneret - literature)

Our project aims to improve the use of audio-visual aids in the teaching of French as a foreign language. Instead of considering videos as documents that students should interpret, we propose to use them as language activity models that students will have to follow in the form of a thematic presentation. In this way, students will be able to exercise the vocal, gestural and bodily dimensions of language that approaches based on criterion tend to neglect, yet which are an integral part of language competence.

Our project will follow two main axes. The first will revolve around the development of an evolving database of video sequences coupled with the language activities in which they take on meaning. The second part will focus on training teachers in teaching techniques for working with students on the vocal, gestural and bodily dimensions of language.

Because these thematic techniques touch on   the émotions, they are particularly difficult àapprendre soiême et à enseigner aux autres. They therefore require pedagogical support, which we will provide to teachers in the form of ongoing training for their learning and coaching for their teaching. for their teaching.

Our project is the "oral expression" piece of a puzzle that aims à to develop new technological practices in language teaching. Its sustainability stems partly from its integration into the teaching programmes offered by the EFLE and partly from its relationship with the Faculty of Arts' plans for the material and conceptual transformation of language laboratories.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase

Methods and tools in visual sociology: Internet resources (G. Haver, M. Meyer - SSP/ISCM)

The Méthodes et outils en sociologie visuelle project offers students on the Master's « Sociologie de l’image II » course the opportunity to use images as tools and working methods in conducting field research. The project is designed around the creation of a common virtual space for working and sharing visual data. More broadly, it is part of the construction of methodological, theoretical and technological tools to fully integrate images into the social science research process.

The pedagogical programme is built around the creation and experimentation of an interactive multimedia platform capable of enabling visual data to be exchanged and compared as part of a collective project in the sociology of images. The virtual workspace thus created constitutes a second meeting space for students, in parallel with the course sessions. The platform makes use of the developments offered by Web 2.0, in particular Internet tools for sharing images (photo blogs, visual databases), texts (blogs) and videos (online sharing of video streams). The website thus produced is not simply a storage or information space, but a dynamic place for discussion, confrontation of data, argumentation and presentation of results.

The project aims to respond to the need, often expressed by Master students, to anchor visual instrumentation in sociological and historical practice: it therefore proposes ways of responding to the question of how to use images in social science research. How can images be used in social science research? The response highlights the contemporary ways in which images are used, made possible by the combination of different media and the use of internet technologies (hypertext, image flows, etc.). The aim is to invent ways of exploiting the potential of Web 2.0 within the framework of a form of sociological research that is attentive to the relationship between scientific texts and images, but also to the psychological and ethical issues raised by the use of visual data.

It is a question of inventing ways of exploiting the potential of Web 2.0 within the framework of a form of sociological research that is attentive to the relationship between scientific texts and images, but also to the psychological and ethical issues raised by the use of visual data.

It is a question of inventing ways of exploiting the potential of Web 2.0 within the framework of a form of sociological research that is attentive to the relationship between scientific texts and images, but also to the psychological and ethical issues raised by the use of visual data.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase

Political sociology field placement - Activism in Morocco (M. Bennani-Chraibi, O. Fillieule - SSP/IEPI)

Following the evaluation of the Bachelor's and Master's degrees in political science by the students, the aim is to experiment with an internship formula, with a view to upgrading the generalist research Master's degree.

This project is part of the annual Sociologie des mobilisations en Afrique du Nord et au Moyen-Orient seminar (MA Political Science), which is also attended by social science students. In 2008-2009, the project is built around a thematic perspective, the sociology of activism, a location, Morocco, and a one-week collective field placement, which will take place in Casablanca at the end of March 2009, in partnership with the University of Casablanca. Forty students will be involved (25 in Lausanne, 15 in Casablanca).

The aim is to collectively produce a piece of research on its findings, culminating in a publication, a film, a photo exhibition and a mini-conference. On the one hand, the students will be supported throughout the process, particularly in the field, where they will benefit from intensive supervision. They will experiment with a number of research methods (qualitative interviews, observation), produce a range of materials (recorded interviews, field notebooks, film, photos) and articulate different types of knowledge in such a way as to ensure the overall coherence of our educational project. They will also learn to work together: students and teachers, universities in the North and universities in the South. In this way, they will be able to take part in breaking down a number of barriers: between research methods; between theoretical and methodological courses; between campus and field; between the North and the South, both by taking concepts on the road and by collaborating with a different academic world.

This experience could be integrated into the political science curriculum after collective reflection, but could also be passed on via the production of a publication, a film, a photo exhibition or a web page.

> see also the description on the RISET project showcase