The mission of the representative associations is to defend the interests of the members of a UNIL body at faculty or institution level.
The aims of the Association du corps intermédiaire de la Faculté de théologie et de sciences des religions (ACI-TSR) are to defend and promote the interests of its members, to represent them to the academic and political authorities, to encourage contacts and exchanges between its members and to take an active part in the scientific dynamic of the Facultéologie et de sciences des religions;s academic and political authorities, to encourage contacts and exchanges between its members and to take an active part in the scientific dynamic of the FTSR and its institutes, as well as of UNIL.
All members of the FTSR Corps Intermédiaire as defined in articles 52b, 59, 60 and 61 of the LUL, as well as externally funded scholarship holders attached to UNIL, are members of the association. Doctoral candidates (article 90 RLUL) who wish to become members of the association must apply to the Committee.
The AETSR is the representative association of the FTSR and is made up of all students following one of the courses offered by the faculty.
The association seeks to promote faculty life by offering a place for exchange, advice and support through its various festive and educational events, as well as at the ‘coeur de fac’’, where all students are welcome. It also acts as an intermediary between students and teachers, and with the decision-making bodies to which it elects student representatives. The purpose of these representatives is to represent the student body in debates and decisions that concern them.
Neighbourhood UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 5062
CH-1015 Lausanne
The AedL is the only association representing all law students at the University of Lausanne.
Our main activities include organising various types of events, such as conferences (Artes Iuris, information days on legal careers) or parties (Bal de droit, the Dîner de droit and the Nuit du Crime), and promoting student cohesion within the faculty.
We also deal with student problems wherever possible and sell unofficial handouts of certain courses to help students take notes and learn the material.
We also set up a free legal service open to the public. We also defend the interests and health of law students.
Comité AedL 19-20
UNIL-Chamberonne neighbourhood
Bâtiment Internef 276.4
CH-1015 Lausanne
The AESC brings together students from the School of Criminal Sciences from the three Bachelor's courses and the various Masters courses.
The association's aim is to give students·e·s the opportunity to enjoy themselves thanks to the various evenings organised throughout the year: fun evenings, various events in Lausanne clubs, such as the Nuit du Crime held every year since 2006, as well as the setting up of various PubNights.
Sponsorship is organised at the start of the academic year to facilitate the integration of students. The association also offers visits and lectures related to the world of criminal sciences and also represents ESC students at various university events.
École des sciences criminelles
Quartier UNIL-Sorge
Bâtiment Batochime
CH-1015 Lausanne
L’ACILex is the association representing the interests of intermediary staff and doctoral students at the Law School of the University of Lausanne. The aims of the association are:
The following are ex officio members of ACILex:
Neighbourhood UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole
CH-1015 Lausanne
We are the representative association of étudiants·e·s en Lettres de l'Université de Lausanne. All students enrolled in the Humanities Department are eligible to join the AEL and are automatically members of the General Assembly, which elects the Executive Committee. The AEL's mission is to provide support to all students during their studies (timetabling, appeals, course registrations, etc.). We also organise events such as the Welcome Party and sponsorship, and offer services such as the Book Fair, which takes place at the start of each semester.
*For reasons of representativeness, the AEL communicates in English.
Neighbourhood UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole 1196
CH-1015 Lausanne
T +41 21 692 29 18
The aims of the association are:
Members of the association include all members of the Intermediate Corps (MER 1 and 2, MA, assistants·e·s), as well as doctoral candidates and SNSF fellows attached to the Faculty of Arts who make a request to the Committee. Members of the Corps Intermédiaire automatically become members of the association as soon as they join.
Created in 2005, the purpose of our association is to:
PhDnet stands on four main sections, also called pillars:
Your First Steps: Consists in integrating the new doctoral students, helping them discover Lausanne and begin their thesis well.
Your Work: Aims promoting doctoral students' researches and enhancing relationships between doctoral students, thus facilitating knowledge sharing.
Your Fun: Enables inter-departmental relationships in a friendly atmosphere by organising social, cultural and sports events.
The PhDnet committee members
Steve Binggeli, Président
Neighbourhood UNIL-Chamberonne
No. Bâtiment Internef
Lausanne CH-1015 Lausanne T +41 21 692 33 81
The Comité HEC Lausanne is the official student association of the HEC Faculty. Composed of twelve highly motivated and dedicated members, its main objectives are to:
The Comité HEC Lausanne is the official student association of the HEC Faculty.
Our not-to-be-missed events:
Bâtiment Internef 145
CH-1015 Lausanne
Tel. +41 21 692 33 16
Fax +41 21 692 33 15
ADAS is the Association of doctoral students and assistants at the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) at the University of Lausanne. It was founded in July 1998 under the name Association des Doctorants et Assistants de la Faculté des Sciences. It brings together all the members of the so-called lower intermediary body and thus includes all the maîtres-assistant·e·s, first-assistant·e·s, assistant·e·s and doctoral·e·s of the FBM.
It acts as a point of contact for all questions relating to assistants and doctoral students. More concretely, it seeks to work with the faculty to resolve problems relating to working and study conditions. ADAS can also act as a first port of call when one of its members finds himself or herself in a difficult situation.
ADAS also organises events throughout the year to make life easier and more enjoyable for young researchers, and to bring the latest scientific knowledge to the general public…
The LAB is the student association for biology students at UNIL! We're here to make your journey in biology more fun, more engaging, and above all, more enriching.
Our goal? To lend you a hand when you need it, keep you informed about your future, and organize unforgettable events to make your student life truly exciting.
Our objectives:
To make all this happen, we have a dedicated team divided into four groups:
Whether you're in your first year or your master's, there’s always a place for you at LAB! Come see us during office hours every Thursday from 12 PM to 1 PM at Amphipôle 236, email us at, or check out our website at to stay updated.
Join us and make your years in biology an unforgettable experience!
Neighbourhood UNIL-Sorge
Bâtiment Amphipôle 305
CH-1015 Lausanne
T +41 21 692 4103
No information
AEGE is the association representing the students of the Faculty of Science and the Environment.
The aims of AEGE are:
Every student enrolled at the Faculty is welcome to join the AEGE committee. There are a number of tasks and activities awaiting you, including representing students on the Dean's Office, delegating to the FAE, editing the journal l'Irrégulier, running the book fair, welcoming new students and organising parties, the ski camp, jousting competitions and our unmissable workchops. We also have a sustainability unit that encourages local consumption and a reduction in the environmental impact of all the events we organise. We are working with other university players and associations to this end.
Neighbourhood UNIL-Mouline
Bâtiment Géopolis 4430
CH-1015 Lausanne
It is the responsibility of the associations to inform us of any changes to be made to the content via the address