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UNIL Bachelors

The UNIL currently offers 15 Bachelors' degree programmes. All can be done part-time.

Admission to Bachelor

All Bachelor's programmes

The Bachelors' degree cycle is a first stage of the scientific education allowing the student to acquire a methodological and scientific way of thinking. 

In the Bologna system, this first cycle lasts 3 years and is worth 180 ECTS credits. It opens the way to one or more Master's degrees.

How do you choose your Bachelor's degree?

Making the right choice means being clear about your interests, aptitudes and values. Here are some questions to ask yourself to get your bearings.

For example, you could ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are the branches I like in and out of class?
  • Do I want to work with numbers, words, people, works of art,...?
  • In what areas do I find it easy to do?
  • What are my areas of excellence?
  • Am I moreôt scientific or literary?
  • What would be important for me: working abroad? in the field? be useful? earn a lot of money?
  • Are there causes I want to support? or organisations I would like to work in?
  • What are the activities that make me want to: writing? calculating? advising? analysing? organising?
  • Do I wish rather: to develop my critical sense and my independence of mind? to be stimulated, intellectually stimulated ? to acquire practical skills ?

There are many ways to find out more about studies and their consequences.

  • By discussing with your personal circle, étudiant or professionals in the field that interests you
  • Thanks to documentation in a guidance centre, or websites such as
  • By browsing the sites of the universities or their study booklets
  • By doing a internship or a information visit to a company
  • By visiting one or more training venues
  • By attending courses, for example as an auditor, free auditor

Take the time to reflect on, assess and discuss your project.
Identify any obstacles, and take into account the following criteria according to their importance to you.

  • Location of training
  • Type of training (abstract and general/practical and specialised, long/short...)
  • Content of study and career opportunities
  • Practical aspects: accommodation, travel, etc…
  • Financial aspects  possibility of working outside of studies, obtaining a grant...

The Vocational Guidance and Careers Service is available to discuss your study plans.

Discuss your study project

Part-time Bachelor

Since autumn 2020, UNIL has been offering a part-time study pathway for Bachelor's degree courses. This offer is aimed at people who, in addition to their studies, have a family, a professional activity or a social commitment, who are disabled or chronically ill, or who wish to carry out a personal project.

This option is demanding in terms of motivation and organisation. Your thinking and planning must take into account the objectives and duration of your Bachelor's studies, the organisation of time specific to part-time studies, the workload, commuting and the financial implications of this type of study.

  • Do you have a taste for abstraction and for questioning certainties?
  • Are you ready to commit to long-term training?
  • Will you be able to attend classes one or more days a week on the UNIL campus?
  • Do your parallel activities (job, family, personal projects...) leave you enough time to study?
  • Do you have flexible working hours?
  • Have you included in your planning the travel time to the UNIL campus, or even to other universities depending on your chosen course of study?
  • If you plan to finance your studies via a cantonal grant, have you enquired about the possibility of obtaining one for part-time studies?
  • Do you know whether your career plans will require you to do a Master' degree after the Bachelor?
Part-time registration

Bachelor's degree without Matura

The University of Lausanne offers alternative access to Bachelor's programmes for people who do not have a recognised diploma. This may involve a preliminary examination to validate your knowledge/abilities, or on the basis of a portfolio, depending on your age and experience.

Discover the conditions