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Health and accident insurance

Health insurance (LAMal) and accident insurance are mandatory for anyone living or working in Switzerland. It is highly recommended to check the insurance’s coverage as medical and hospital costs in Switzerland are very high.

LAMal Health insurance provides by default cover for accidents.
People who work for the same employer for at least 8 hours a week are automatically insured for professional and non-professional accidents by that employer. In that case, it is possible to ask the health insurer to suspend accident insurance by providing proof of such cover from the employer. For people working less than eight hours a week for their employer, accident insurance covers only professional accidents.

Swiss, residents (C Permit) or refugees (B Permit) students


  • When going to the public hospital, medical bills will be sent directly to your insurance.
  • When going to a medical center of to a private doctor, the medical bill will be sent directly at you place of residence.
    • You can immediately ask for the reimbursement by sending the proof of refunding to your swiss health insurance.
    • You will have to pay it within 30 days.
  • By increasing the deductible (between 300.- CHF and CHF 2500.- CHF. In the case of a high deductible, it is important to set aside the amount of the deductible). Please note that the deductible also applies to accident risk (in the event of an accident - if you are not covered by your employer);
  • By accepting a limited choice of doctors or other alternative models offered by insurers (e.g. HMO, Telmed, etc.);
  • By applying for a subsidy: Swiss students and foreign students with a C permit may apply to the cantonal officies for premium reduction.

If you go abroad (for an internship, an exchange period, a study trip, etc…) it is recommended (and it is your responsability) to check the insurance’s coverage (check the coverage deadline abroad) and if necessary, take out, in addition to the basic coverage, an additional insurance.

UNIL offers travel insurance as well as medical, security and logistical insurance, which provides additional cover for certain risks abroad. For further information, visit: Assistance and insurance while abroad.

  • Swiss or residents (C permit) students: before leaving, check your coverage with your swiss health insurance.
  • Swiss students from abroad with an insurance coverage for foreign students: before leaving, ask the canton of destination (cantonal health insurance office) whether the coverage is valid or not.

Asylum seekers (N permit) and temporarily admitted refugees (F permit) students

The EVAM (Institution for migrants in the canton of Vaud) covers the health insurance costs of asylum seekers and provisionally admitted refugees.

The following costs are covered:

  • Health insurance costs (premiums, deductibles, co-payments)
  • Dental costs for basic treatment
  • Certain medical expenses and services not covered by basic insurance

The list of costs and services paid by EVAM can be found in the Assistance Guide. There are conditions for the reimbursement of these costs. It is important to ask for information before starting treatment.

If you have received a medical bill, you must give all the documents to EVAM:

  • the doctor's prescription
  • proof of reimbursement
  • the laboratory invoice
  • the doctor's or hospital bill
  • etc.

When the beneficiary of assistance travels abroad, benefits for medical expenses are withdrawn from the 1st day of the month following departure abroad.

UNIL offers travel insurance as well as medical, security and logistical insurance, which provides additional cover for certain risks abroad. For further information, visit: Assistance and insurance while abroad.

When the beneficiary of assistance is transferred to another canton by decision of the SEM, benefits to cover medical expenses cease on the date of transfer as indicated by the SPOP, but at the latest at the end of the month following the decision to change allocation.

EU and EFTA students (B/L permit)

Students from EU countries and EFTA countries are entitled to an exemption from the obligation to use Swiss insurers provided that they observe the following procedure :

  • They must obtain the European Health Insurance Card from their insurer in their home country;
  • Provide proof of enrolment at UNIL (matriculation certificate or copy of campus card);
  • The copy of the European Health Insurance Card and proof of registration at UNIL must be sent within 90 days of arrival in Switzerland to the OVAM. This office will issue the exemption from taking out Swiss insurance.

Warning: ask your insurance if all the costs will be covered during your stay in Switzerland.

  • When going to the public hospital, medical bills will be either sent directly to the Institution Commune LAMAL or sent to your place of residence (for the reimbursement, please refer to the next paragraph).
  • When going to a medical center or a private doctor, medical bills will be sent to your place of residence.


You can immediately ask for the reimbursement by sending the following documents to the Institution Commune LAMAL :

  • proof of refunding (care details)
  • copy of the European Health Insurance Card
  • copy of the ID
  • Account number (IBAN)

CHF 92.- will be charged by the Institution Commune LAMAL for any period of 30 days of cares, all types of care.

Examples when CHF 92.- is charged one time in a period of 30 days:

  • I break my leg
  • I break my leg, 3 days after I am sick, 10 days after I have a psychotherapeutic consultation
  • I have a psychotherapeutic consultation
  • I have 3 psychotherapeutic consultation
  • I go to hospital as an outpatient or in emergency

The amount reimbursed will be the invoice’s amount minus the CHF 92.-. If you send the bill to your foreign insurance without going through the Institution Commune LAMAL, the benefits will be reimbursed, in most cases, according to the rates in your country (that is why we strongly recommend going through the Institution Commune LAMAL).

Please note that students over the age of 25 remain covered if they are on their first course of study. In the event of a second course or specialisation, coverage through the European Health Insurance Card is not guaranteed; it is therefore advisable to check with the social security authorities in your country.


You must pay the medical bill within 30 days.

If you go abroad (for an internship, an exchange period, a study trip, etc…) it is recommended (and it is your responsibility) to check the insurance’s coverage (check the coverage deadline abroad) and if necessary, take out, in addition to the basic coverage, an additional insurance.

UNIL offers travel insurance as well as medical, security and logistical insurance, which provides additional cover for certain risks abroad. For further information, visit: Assistance and insurance while abroad.

All persons with the European Insurance Card must, before leaving, ask the canton of destination (cantonal insurance office) whether the coverage is valid or not.

Non-EU or EFTA students (B/L permit)

It is mandatory to take out health insurance within three months of the date you take up residence unless you have a foreign health insurance that provides unlimited cover for costs in Switzerland.

There are two different ways of benifiting from an exemption from compulsory KVG/LAMAL insurance in Switzerland. In both cases, the measures must be taken within 90 days of the student's arrival:

  • In the first case, the medical and accident insurance provided by the foreign company must have an unlimited cover for treatments in Switzerland. In this case (which is very rare), the student can apply to remain affiliated to a foreign insurance scheme by submitting a request to the Office vaudois de l'assurance-maladie (OVAM).
  • If the foreign insurance does not provide unlimited cover, it is possible to take out insurance for international students in Switzerland. It is generally possible to take out such insurance online, with help in choosing the best package. Each policy must offer cover equivalent to the basic Swiss health insurance (LAMal), but broader options (dental, etc.) are available. Study the options carefully before choosing. Here are some insurance solutions:

The exemption is valid for a maximum of 6 years. Swiss insurance must then be taken out after.

UNIL disclaims all liability for any medical bills incurred by students in breach of insurance terms.

  • When going to the public hospital, medical bills will be sent directly to your insurance.
  • When going to a medical center or to a private doctor, the medical bill will be sent directly at you place of residence.
    • You can immediately ask for the reimbursement by sending the proof of refunding to your swiss insurance.
    • You will have to pay it within 30 days.

If you go abroad (for an internship, an exchange period, a study trip, etc…) it is recommended (and it is your responsibility) to check the insurance’s coverage (check the coverage deadline abroad) and if necessary, take out, in addition to the basic coverage, an additional insurance.

UNIL offers travel insurance as well as medical, security and logistical insurance, which provides additional cover for certain risks abroad.

For further information, visit: Assistance and insurance while abroad.

Anyone with an insurance coverage for foreign students must, before leaving, ask the canton of destination (cantonal insurance office) whether the coverage is valid or not.

Useful addresses

Office vaudois de l'assurance-maladie

Ch. de Mornex 40
1014 Lausanne
+41 21 557 47 47

Institution commune LAMal

Gibelinstrasse 25
Case postale
4503 Soleure
+41 32 625 30 30