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Responsible: Delphine Preissmann (

Personal support is available at the request of students and teachers wishing to undertake and complete an interdisciplinary dissertation.

The services offered are as follows:

  • Help for students to formulate an interesting interdisciplinary question and plan their dissertation work.
  • Helping students find competent supervisors in the disciplines involved in their projects.
  • Making contact with professors who will co-supervise the dissertation.
  • Constructive mediation if difficulties arise.

An "mémoire interdisciplinaire" is a mémoire registered in the student's master discipline and subject to the scientific quality requirements specific à to that discipline. The special feature of an interdisciplinary dissertation is that it also includes a significant exposure to another discipline, which requires the expertise and (partial) supervision of a teacher-researcher in the subject concerned. The latter undertakes to sit on the (expert) jury when the dissertation is defended.

If you are a student and would like to do an interdisciplinary master's degree, please do not hesitate to contact the head of the mentoring programme.