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Rhythms and Cycles (2023)

Rhythms and cycles

Everywhere time flows, time is ordered, time is organised. 

The conference programme proposes to explore the « forms of time » which are à lœuvre in scientific research, whether’They are inherent in the phenomena observed or are the result of our efforts at intelligibility. Graduations, circumnavigations, generations, cycles, rhythms, periods, phases, evolution: the morphology of duration is infinitely varied for all those who scrutinise physical, biological and human phenomena.

A series of public lectures organised as part of the teaching "La recherche dans tous ses états"

Wednesdays from 25 October to 22 November 2023 from 17h15 à 18h45. Bâtiment Amphimax 412.

PLEASE NOTE: The lecture on 15 November 2023 will take place in the CUB II room

Organisation: Delphine Preissmann, FBM, Sciences au Carré (


Date Speakers Title

25 October

Prof. Denis Duboule ISREC, EPFL Lausanne and Collège de France, Paris

The time of the embryo

1 November

Prof. Pascale Jablonka - Laboratory of Astrophysics, EPFL

Space, Time and the Expanding Universe

8 November

Prof. Constance Frei, Faculty of Arts, Musicology, UNIL and EPFL

Sculpting time: musical forms

November 15

Prof. Raphael Heinzer, Centre for Sleep Investigation and Research (CIRS) CHUV

Sleep and its rhythms

<22 November

Prof. Allison Daley, Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences, UNIL

The first animals: fossils and the tempo of evolution

Summary of conferences

The time of the embryo

Prof. Pascale Jablonka - Laboratory of Astrophysics, EPFL

Space,Time and the Expanding Universe

Prof. Constance Frei, Faculty of Arts, Musicology, UNIL and EPFL

 Sculpting time: musical forms

Prof. Raphael Heinzer, Centre d'investigation et de recherche sur le sommeil (CIRS) CHUV

Sleep and its rhythms

Prof Allison Daley, Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences, UNIL

Early animals: fossils and evolutionary tempo