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Publications by and about UNIL

The University of Lausanne publishes two main series of works: "Publications de l'Université de Lausanne" and "Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne". The 450th anniversary in 1987 was an opportunity for the institution to look back at its history and publish around twenty studies.

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List of publications

La Haute Ecole de Lausanne, 1537-1937: Esquisse historique publiée à l'occasion de son quatrième centenaire

Henri Meylan, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, seconde édition, 1986 - 126 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XI

The reconstruction of four centuries of a complex and contrasting history, made up of alternating high points, usually linked to an openness to the outside world, and periods that were more focused on the history of the city;riodes plutôt ternes, caractées par le replacissement et une dépendance docile à l'eacute;gard des idées, des connaissances et des pouvoirs les plus traditionnels.

Reference: Pub.01.01, Price: 15 CHF

De l'Académie à l'Université de Lausanne, 1537-1987: 450 ans d'histoire

Lausanne, Musée historique de l'Ancien-Evêché, Denges-Lausanne, Editions du Verseau Roth et Sauter SA, 1987 - 384 p., ill., 30 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXVII

The catalogue of the exhibition presented in 1987 at the Musée historique de l'Ancien-Evêch; on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the Université de Lausanne.

Reference: Pub.01.02, Price: 36 CHF

L'Université au défi: Une histoire sociale de l'Université de Lausanne

André Delessert, Lausanne, Payot, 1991 - 352 p., ill., 26 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XXXI

On 10 May 1890, the Académie de Lausanne was raised to the rank of University. What is the significance of this transformation? It is interesting to ask the question a hundred years on, when the university taken as a whole has in the intervening period experienced excrescences of honour and indignity.

Reference: Pub.01.03, Price: 39 CHF

Schools and intellectual life à Lausanne in the Middle Ages

Texts edited by Agostino Paravicini, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 216 p., ill., 24 cm, Études et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XII

An attempt to explore in greater depth, through various studies, some important aspects of intellectual life in Lausanne in the last centuries of the Middle Ages, from the secondary schools to the schools of theory of the Mendicant Orders.

Reference: Pub.02.01, Price: 25 CHF

Le coup d'état académique du 2 décembre 1846

Nathalie Gardiol, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 96 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XIV

The turmoil leading up to the radical Vaud revolution of 1845 also directly affected the Lausanne Academy, which saw seven of its professors suddenly lose their positions. Placed in its political, social and cultural context, this event is an interesting illustration of the climate of those years.

Reference: Pub.03.01, Price: 12 CHF

L'Ancienne Académie de Lausanne: Innovation and tradition in sixteenth-century school architecture

Brigitte Pradervand-Amiet, 1987 - 104 p., 28 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XV

The Protestant academies, including the Ancienne Académie de Lausanne from 1579 to 1587, were tradition-bearers but also made important innovations. Different needs, new ideas, precipitated the development of a more typically Protestant architecture.

Religious architecture was a key element in the development of the Protestant movement.

Reference: Pub.03.02, Price: 18 CHF

Dictionnaire des professeurs de l'Académie de Lausanne (1537-1890)

Marc Kiener, 2005 - 692 p., ill, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXXVII

A veritable bible on the Waldensian élites between 1537 and 1890, featuring more than 300 biographical notes as well as precious appendices that résument the history of the Académie de Lausanne.

Reference: Pub.04.01, Price: 39 CHF

Les Professeurs de l'Université de Lausanne (1890-1939)

Marie-France Zeller and Pierre-Alain Liard, 2005 - approx. 300 pp, illus, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XXXVIII

This study brings together precise statistics on the teaching staff of the University; it enables us to reconstruct the material life of a Vaud professor at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries, and to sketch their social profile.

Reference: Pub.05.01, Price: 19 CHF

Histoire des sociétés d'tudiants à Lausanne

Olivier Meuwly, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 144 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XVIII

A presentation of the evolution of student societies in Lausanne throughout the nineteenth century, so dazzling in many ways;The aim of this study is to provide an overview of the history of the city, both politically and socially, with a view to explaining how it has managed to maintain and develop through a number of vicissitudes right up to the present day.

Reference: Pub.06.01, Price: 17 CHF

The future of graduates from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Lausanne

Arlette Mottaz Baran, Petra Van Dijk, Jean-Luc Heeb with the collaboration of Christiane Philippe and Caroline Régamey, Lausanne, Editions Réalités sociales, 1992 - 180 p., 24 cm

This questionnaire-based survey, carried out among eleven flights from 1977 to 1987, presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

This report presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

This report presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

This report presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

This report presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

This report presents a descriptive report on the employment opportunities and career paths of those made redundant.

Reference: Pub.06.02, Price: 10 CHF

L39;Université en question

Actes du Colloque du 450e anniversaire de la fondation de l'Académie de Lausanne, suivis du recueil des discours du 450e anniversaire, 13-18 juin 1987, Lausanne, Payot, 1988 - 200 p., ill., 24 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXX

Focusing on the role of higher education in modern society, the Colloquium «L'Université en question» addressed the major aspects of the vocation of a university institution in the 21st century;a university institution by reflecting on its image in the eyes of the professions to which it belongs, its status in Switzerland and abroad, its future and the conditions for scientific research.

Reference: Pub.07.01, Price: 24 CHF

L'Université dans la cité, à l'occasion du 450e anniversaire de la Haute Ecole Lausannoise 1537-1987

Antonio Cunha, Claudine Delapierre, Jean-Christian Lambelet, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 276 p., ill., 23.5 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXV

This book attempts to sketch a critical portrait of the Haute Ecole, to capture its image, and to identify its contributions to the community.

Reference: Pub.07.02, Price: 29 CHF

The University and its values: New ritages and constraints

Giovanni Busino, Pierre Ducrey, Pierre Gisel and Eric Junod, texts written by the Faculty of Theology of the University of Lausanne, Genè ve, Labor et Fides, 1990 - 71p., 18 cm

The University is not immune from an identity crisis. What are the values it holds dear and seeks to pass on? Its mission leads to a constant redefinition, which this book is designed to discuss.

It's about the values that it seeks to transmit.

Reference: Pub.07.03, Price: 10 CHF

Materials to serve à the history of the doctorate H.C. décerné à Benito Mussolini in 1937

Recueillis, édités et annotés par Olivier Robert, 1987 - 248 p., ill., 30 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXVI

Fifty years ago, the University of Lausanne awarded the doctorate H.C. Mussolini. Although the Rectorat's mythical 9/14 file does not allow us to accurately assess the role played by the various protagonists in the affair or to provide satisfactory answers to the questions raised by the researchers, it does provide us with a clearer picture of the situation;ponsantes satisfaisantes aux questions des historien·ne·s, il devrait cependant permettre d'étoffer les interprétations au moyen d'un complément de sources inédites.

Reference: Pub.07.04, Price: 36 CHF

De la cité au campus - 40 ans de l'UNIL à Dorigny

Actes du colloque Dorigny 40, 11 novembre 2010, Lausanne, Peter Lang, 2011 - 189 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXXIX

Since the inauguration of its first building on the Dorigny site in 1970, the history of the University of Lausanne has become more widely known. The Collège propédeutique, built to house the Faculty of Science, which had outgrown its premises on the Cité was the first concrete realisation of a long process of political and institutional planning. This book retraces the past in an attempt to convey the extent to which this infrastructure project was visionary and essential to the development of UNIL. Alongside original and relevant articles, this publication also provides an opportunity to present a number of previously unseen archive photos, which illustrate the various stages in the transfer of the University from the Cité to the campus.

It is also an opportunity to look back at the history of the University of Lausanne.

Reference: Pub.07.05, Price: 45 CHF

Le latin à l'Académie de Lausanne du XVIe au XXe siècle

Jean-Pierre Borle, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 116 p., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XIII

A description of the use of Latin in teaching and in the performances of professors and students, and of its status in the scientific and literary publications of the Académie.

Reference: Pub.08.01, Price: 14 CHF

Philosophy at the Haute Ecole de Lausanne 1542-1955

Daniel Christoff, Gabriel Ph. Widmer, André-Jean Voelke and Pierre Javet, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 156 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XIX

The inclusion of philosophy in a theory syllabus has posed problems from the outset that have been constantly renewed over the centuries. As a result, the content of this discipline has varied as much as its orientation from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, and today sees its physiognomy strongly marked by its past.

Reference: Pub.08.02, Price: 18 CHF

History of ancient history and archaeology at the University of Lausanne, 1537-1987

Anne Bielman, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 200 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XX

In 1537, the students of the Lausanne Academy had only a limited view of antiquity. 450 years later, ancient history and archaeology have taken their place at UNIL. The book traces the main stages of this evolution, clarified by a number of key professorial figures.

Reference: Pub.08.03, Price: 24 CHF

L'éveil médical vaudois 1750-1850: Tissot - Venel - Mayor

Antoinette Emch-Dériaz, Eugène Olivier et Jean Charles Biaudet, études réunies et présentées par Guy Saudan, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 188 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXI

A good siècle before the opening of a medical school in Lausanne, Tissot, Venel and Mayor admirably illustrate the legacy of the Lumières, à l'aube de la médecine moderne et du canton de Vaud, par leur attachement à la raison, leurs préoccupations sociales, leur souci de vulgarisation et la portée pratique de leur oeuvre.

Reference: Pub.08.04, Price: 21 CHF

L'enseignement du droit à l'Académie de Lausanne aux XVIIIe et XIXe siècles

Jean-François Poudret, Philippe Conod, Jacques Haldy and Willy Heim, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 156 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXII

The four contributions in this book (on the teaching of natural law and positive law, that of civil procedure, that of Waldensian civil law and that of Waldensian criminal law) make it possible to follow not only the evolution of legal teaching, but of the very conception that people had of law over the last two centuries.

Reference: Pub.08.05, Price: 18 CHF

L'Ecole de Lausanne, de Léon Walras à Pasquale Boninsegni

Giovanni Busino and Pascal Bridel, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 120 p., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXIII

It was the task of the current holders of the chairs of political economy and sociology founded in the Ecole de Lausanne to retrace its history, each in his own way, while at the same time providing a watermark for the definitions they give their disciplines today.

Reference: Pub.08.06, Price: 15 CHF

L'Ecole de français moderne de l'Université de Lausanne 1892-1987

Catherine Saugy, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 124 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXIV

This work traces the history of the Ecole de français moderne which, for decades, has contributed to making Lausanne and its University known to the four corners of the world.

Reference: Pub.08.07, Price: 15 CHF

Les mathématiques à l'Académie et à la Faculté des sciences de l'Université de Lausanne

Pierre-Denis Methée, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1991 - 168 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXIX

The history of the teaching of mathematics in Lausanne, from the modest role it was accorded by the Academy to its rapid development in the second half of the twentieth century within the framework of the University.

Reference: Pub.08.08, Price: 20 CHF

L'Ecole de pharmacie de l'Académie à l'Université

Jean-Claude Etter, Lausanne, Payot, Université de Lausanne, 1991 - 76 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXX

In the past, pharmacists from French-speaking Switzerland had to travel to Strasbourg to complete their training. In 1873, the creation of the School of Pharmacy at the Lausanne Academy enabled them to do so on Vaud soil. As it settles in Dorigny, here is the story of this School and the scientists who worked there.

Reference: Pub.08.09, Price: 14 CHF

Naturalists and biologists in Lausanne: Research, teaching and learned societies in the Vaud region from 1537 to the present day

Paul-Emile Pilet, Lausanne, Payot, 1991 - 208 p., ill., 26 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XXXII

The work of Vaud naturalists and biologists, and the activities of our museums and learned societies, provide a glimpse of the great milestones that have marked the life sciences since the middle of the sixteenth century.

Reference: Pub.08.10, Price: 33 CHF

L'aula du Palais de Rumine: Le décor de Louis Rivier

Patrick Schaefer, 1987 - 136 p., ill., 28 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XVI

When Louis Rivier designed the Aula at the Palais de Rumine from 1915 to 1923, he covered the entire available space. The ceiling is devoted to Religion, which dominates the other areas, Science, Arts and Education, represented on the walls. This monograph describes these paintings and reports on the speeches that accompanied their production.

Reference: Pub.09.01, Price: 20 CHF

Louis Rivier et les Peintures décoratives de l'aula du palais de Rumine à Lausanne

Lausanne, Librairie centrale et universitaire, F. Haeschel-Dufy, 1924 - 32 p., ill., 24 cm

This illustrated album brings together twelve magnificent plates in héliogravure after Gaston de Jongh's photographs of the paintings in the Palais de Rumine. The significance of the work is addressed by musician Fritz Bach, while the technical considerations are dealt with by painter Fran&ccedacute;ois de Ribeaupierre.

Reference: Pub.09.02, Price: 29 CHF

Professor portraits from the Salle du Sénat, Palais de Rumine

Françoise Belperrin and Patrick Schaefer, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1987 - 152 p., ill., 24 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne XVII

Portraits of professors who taught at the university from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries hang on the walls of the Salle du Sénat in the Palais de Rumine. Some are world-famous, others forgotten. It seemed useful to publish these fifty or so portraits, which form a valuable iconographic source, accompanied by a minimum of biographical information.

Reference: Pub.09.03, Price: 18 CHF

Sciences and racism, Cours général public 1985-1986

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1986 - 131p. ill. 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXVII

What links has science had or still has with racism? Representation of the other, difference, discrimination, apartheid: how do different disciplines such as population genetics, theory, law and medicine position themselves? This General Course sets out the results of interdisciplinary observations on the burning question of racism.

Reference: Pub.10.01, Price: 23 CHF

L'espace, Cours général public 1988-1989

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1989 - 157p, ill., 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXIV

Space is a concept that concerns us all, but one whose understanding is multifaceted. This General Course brings together an astronaut, a theologian, an astronomer, a psychiatrist, a geographer, a linguist, a mathematician and a philosopher to benefit from the different perspectives of these specialists.

Space is a concept that concerns us all, but whose understanding is multifaceted.

Reference: Pub.10.02, Price: 23 CHF

Our health, Cours général public 1990-1991

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1991 - 124p. ill. 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXIX

This course was an opportunity to take stock in 1990, the year of the centenary of the creation of the Faculty of Medicine, of various health-related issues, such as fundamental research, the AIDS epidemic and the development of a new approach to medicine; such as fundamental research, AIDS, intensive medicine, developments in medical practice, insurance, the cost of care and patients' rights.

Reference: Pub.10.03, Price: 23 CHF

Man and the environment, Cours général public 1991-1992

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1993 - 101p. ill. 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXXIII

The fate of the environment, a topical issue, is omnipresent in public debate. This book examines the relationship between man and his environment from the perspectives of law, economics, medicine, psychology and, of course, the natural sciences.

Reference: Pub.10.04, Price: 23 CHF

Les migrations internationales, Cours général public 1992-1993

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1993 - 134p, ill., 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXXIV

Labour migration generates new ways of integration, the construction of a new identity and difficulties in cohabiting with host populations. The studies conducted by this public course examine migration from both a global and a local perspective, and put forward ideas for improving the conditions under which people arrive and are received.

Reference: Pub.10.05, Price: 23 CHF

Sciences: reason and déraisons, Cours général public 1993-1994

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1994 - 126p., 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXXVI

Science has truth as its ideal. Yet it is full of false theories, irrational applications, and ideologies. Thus this General Course takes stock of all the deacute;reason contained in scientific reason.

Reference: Pub.10.06, Price: 23 CHF

La sélection, Cours général public 1994-1995

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1995 - 127p., 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXXVIII

Operational selection at the heart of society. For example: natural sélection, preventive medicine, prenatal diagnosis, the question of social élites and the régulation of power, or the sorting, forgetting and filing of memory. The question of sélection, through its éthic issues in particular, is central to understanding the workings of any society, this Public Course demonstrates.

Reference: Pub.10.07, Price: 23 CHF

Manger, Cours général public 1995-1996

Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1996 - 111p. illus, 23.5 cm, Publications de l'Université de Lausanne LXXXIX

Eating refers to both the animal dimension and the cultural dimension, since the act of eating is enriched and transformed by social and individual representations. Thus the seemingly simple and banal act of eating becomes the subject of study in this Public Course.

Eating is a rite of passage, a rite of passage, a rite of passage, a rite of passage, a rite of passage, a rite of passage.

Reference: Pub.10.08, Price: 23 CHF

Pareto (1848-1923), Le savant et l'homme

Georges-Henri Bousquet, Lausanne, Editions Payot, 1960 - 208p. illus, 23.5 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l'Université de Lausanne VII

The author, Georges-Henri Bousquet professor at the Faculté de Droit d'Alger, here writes his second book on Vilfredo Pareto, Italian sociologist and economist, and holder of the Chair of Political Economy at the Université de Lausanne. He chooses a biographical approach based on little-known publications by the maître as well as his correspondence à Pantaleoni from 1890 to 1923.

Reference: Pub.11.01, Price: 23 CHF

Jean Meynaud ou l'utopie revisitée

Actes du colloque de Sciences Politiques, Lausanne, Université de Lausanne, 1986 - 402 p., 23.5 cm, Etudes et documents pour servir à l'histoire de l39;Université de Lausanne XXIII

This colloquium pays tribute to Jean Meynaud, the founder of the first chair of political science founded in Switzerland by the canton of Vaud. This scholar occupies a pre-eminent place because he contributed to the development of a new political science.

Recognition of the role of the political scientist in the history of the Swiss political system is an important part of the history of the Swiss political system.

Reference: Pub.11.02, Price: 23 CHF

Mélanges Pierre Engel

Recueil de travaux offerts à M. Pierre Engel, Professeur à l'Université de Lausanne, Lausanne, Faculté de Droit de l39;Université de Lausanne, Edité par François Dessemontet et Paul Piotet, Diffusion Payot Lausanne, 1989 - 488 p., 23.5 cm

A bilingual publication (French and German) bringing together a wide range of studies by law professors from Swiss universities, linked by the tribute they pay to Professor Pierre Engel in this book.

Reference: Pub.11.03, Price: 29 CHF

Mélanges Roger Secrétan

Recueil de travaux publiés par la Faculté de Droit, Montreux, imprimerie Corbaz, 1964, 359 p., 25 cm

Roger Secrétan was Dean of the Faculty of Law on two occasions and a deputy judge at the Vaud Cantonal Court. An outstanding professor who taught administrative law, the law of obligations and commercial law, this collection of essays pays tribute to his academic and scientific career.

Reference: Pub.11.04, Price 29 CHF

Mélanges Joseph Voyame

Recueil de travaux offerts à M. Joseph Voyame, Professeur honoraire à l'Université de Lausanne, Edité par François Dessemontet, Diffusion Payot Lausanne, 1989 - 335p., 23.5 cm

Joseph Voyame has held a number of professional posts: Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Chairman of the UN Commission against Torture, Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights, Vice-Chairman of the Bergier Commission. He also taught intellectual property from 1970 to 1990 at the University of Lausanne. This book is a tribute to him.

Reference: Pub.11.05, Price 29 CHF

Archives in the university;

Actes du colloque international, Université de Lausanne, 30 et 31 octobre 2008, Olivier Robert (éd.)

University archives are a particular and relatively recent branch of archival science. As administrative, teaching and research archives, both public and private, they cover the entire document cycle and can include the full range of information media. Their diversity and hybrid status make them of particular interest.

Reference: Pub.12.01, Price: 59 CHF

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