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Intensive hybrid programmes (BIPs) - short-term mobility CIVIS



Blended Intensives Programmes (BIPs) are a new mobility format available to all students enrolled at UNIL. Each BIP combines online teaching with a short five-day period of physical mobility (similar to a summer or winter school) at another CIVIS university with students from all over the Alliance. 

CIVIS BIPs are linked to one of the Alliance's themes: 

  • Hub 1: Climate, environment and energy
  • Hub 2: Society, culture and heritage
  • Hub 3: Health 
  • Hub 4: Cities, territories and mobility 
  • Hub 5: Digital and technological transformation 

The CIVIS BIPs are published on the CIVIS portal.

  1. In case of interest for a BIP, you should contact your UNIL faculty mobility coordinator to check that the project is feasible according to your study plan. A learning agreement must be signed to determine how the course will be recognised.
  2. Apply online via the CIVIS BIP registration platform on the Alliance website. Student selection is a two-stage process:
    • on the CIVIS side, by the BIP organising team on the basis of the candidates' motivation and background.
    • on the Social Affairs and Student Mobility (SASME) side, to check eligibility for the mobility grant. The results are normally sent no later than one month after the deadline for submitting applications to the BIPs.
      N.B.: You can only register for a BIP at UNIL if the BIP in question is organised within your main faculty.
  3. If selected, a scholarship contract must be signed between the student and UNIL Social Affairs and Student Mobility ( The scholarship will be paid before the start of the on-site activity. The grant is dependent on the learning agreement.
  4. You can now take part in the online programme and the 5-day trip to the physical mobility host university alongside teachers and students from across the Alliance. The length and format of the online learning sessions and the assessment of the knowledge acquired depend on each BIP CIVIS.
  5. Upon successful completion of the course, a transcript of record is issued by the BIP coordinating institution. Credits (3 to 6 ECTS depending on the BIP) can be recognised as agreed in the learning agreement.
  6. It is imperative to receive a certificate of attendance at the end of the physical part of the BIP.

Depending on the theme of the BIP followed and the structure of the training course followed at UNIL, the so-called BIP credits will be counted in the following way (according to what has been agreed with the mobility coordinator in the learning agreement) :

  1. BIP credits can be acquired as part of the optional courses of certain degree courses, free choice courses, courses outside the faculty, or fieldwork.
  2. The so-called BIP credits may constitute so-called supplementary credits, not counted towards the degree (outside the plan, outside the curriculum) which may nonetheless appear on the diploma supplement as supplementary credits.
  3. Validate a BIP CIVIS as a mobility equivalence.

For physical mobility during the BIP, you are financially supported in the following ways (travel, meals and accommodation):

  • A lump sum of CHF 80 per day of the programme in advance (max 5 days);
  • A lump sum of CHF 80.- for one day's outward travel and CHF 80.- for one day's return travel;
  • A lump-sum contribution to the journey according to Movetia's kilometre scale below:
Distance Grant
Between 0 and 99 km
CHF 30

Between 100 and 499 km

CHF 225

Between 500 and 1,999 km

CHF 340

Between 2,000 and 2,999 km

CHF 450

Between 3,000 and 3,999 km

CHF 655

Between 4,000 and 7,999 km

CHF 1,015

Between 8,000 km and more

CHF 1,300

  • If a sustainable mode of transport (bus or train) is chosen, you can count up to two days of outward travel and two days of return travel if justified, and receive an additional lump sum of CHF 100.00 on presentation of supporting travel documents.

Online application

Registration for CIVIS BIPs is currently closed.

Experiences and testimonials



BIP at the University of Bucharest in 2023

"I had the chance to study a subject that was completely outside the scope of my HEC course, with students from all over Europe. The great thing about this programme is that I was able to validate 3 ECTS for my third year, and all this was reimbursed by the University of Lausanne!"



BIP at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2023

"One of the strong points is the opportunity to go away and take an interest in the culture of another country, get out of your comfort zone and develop cross-disciplinary skills. The short programme is very interesting and makes it possible to have less fear of the unknown and to do this exchange relatively early in the course. It's easy and quick to do".



BIP at the University of Athens in 2024

"The interactive aspects and practical application of theoretical knowledge, combined with direct exposure to various cultural aspects, have greatly enhanced the learning experience compared to more traditional academic courses."



Mme Katarina Chollet
Service des affaires sociales et de la mobilité étudiante

+41 21 692 21 15

University exchanges