When carrying out a research project, it is essential to consider a number of aspects to ensure its conformity, relevance and impact.
In addition to paying attention to the criteria of public research contracts, which dictate the procedures and financial obligations when using research funds, it is also vital to remain vigilant about ethical issues. Researchers must follow strict standards on research ethics to ensure respect for human rights, confidentiality of data and scientific integrity.
In parallel, it is essential to explore the various ways in which research can be commercialised, looking at strategies such as publishing in specialised journals or Open Access, working with industrial partners to commercialise results, or protecting intellectual property through patents. By incorporating these elements from the outset of the project, researchers can maximise its potential impact while ensuring that it is conducted ethically and responsibly.
PACTT, joint Technology Transfer Office of UNIL and CHUV for:
To find out more about public procurement for research projects, please visit our dedicated web page.
Instructions regarding account openings or financial reporting can be found on the following link:
Contact the human resources department for administrative questions:
Service des ressources humaines
Château de Dorigny
CH-1015 Lausanne
Contact an HR manager in a faculty
For storage, anonymisation, data security issues, please contact the UNIRIS team:
An open and free science with the strategy of Open Science (OS):