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Internal HR forms

All the HR forms and guides for your enquiries and requests concerning your relationship with your employer, UNIL, but also with your family or in the event of an accident.

Employer relationship

This section contains all the documents used for administrative exchanges with the Human Resources Department concerning the working relationship with members of staff during the recruitment process and periodic performamce appraisals.


AVS (Old Age and Survivors Insurance) card

Withholding tax

Salary payment - Third-party account

Administrative and technical staff, SNSF researchers, apprentices and interns

  • If you have an employment contract of six months or more, you will automatically receive an employment certificate at the end of your contract.
  • If you have an employment contract lasting less than six months, you can request a final certificate by clicking on the request form.
  • Intermediate work certificates can be requested by clicking on request for an intermediate work certificate.

Other categories of staff

We invite you to contact either the HR Department or the HR partner in your unit, who will guide you through the procedure.

Accident or illness reporting and forms


Here you can access all the administrative documents and forms you need when your household grows or you need to support a family member or close friend. For more details on family leave, see the ‘Working hours and leave’ section.

UNIL is committed to protecting the health of pregnant women and their unborn children from pregnancy to breastfeeding. There are statutory provisions concerning this protection in the workplace. Their implementation at UNIL is described in Rectorate Directive 1.38 (Protection of the health of pregnant women).

Leave notification procedure

  1. Report the pregnancy using the appropriate departmental channel via your line manager.
  2. A letter informing you of the terms and conditions of paternity leave will be sent to you.
  3. As soon as possible, inform your line manager in writing of the dates you will be on leave, stating whether or not you wish to split the period of leave.
  4. The Faculty informs the HR Department of the dates and arrangements for paternity leave.
  5. As soon as the Dean's Office receives the official documents certifying the birth of the child and the parent-child relationship, the HR Department will confirm that paternity leave has been granted.

Request for paternity allowance (for the father or the mother's wife)

You are entitled to adoption leave and an adoption allowance from the date you welcome your child. Contact the HR Department (University >> Organisation >> Units, Offices and Centres >> Human Resources Department) or the HR partner in your unit, who will guide you through the procedure.

Applying for the adoption allowance

UNIL staff can be granted up to 12 days' leave per calendar year to provide regular or permanent assistance or care to a person whose health has been seriously or permanently impaired and who is dependent on assistance.

Contact the HR Department or the HR partner in your unit, who will guide you through the procedure.


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Download the related announcement form:

Strike annoucement form