As a manager, you can contribute to organising working conditions to make work-lif balance less difficult, for mothers and fathers alike. This will also enable you to derive full benefit from the potential of those working with you. Here is some information to help you.
According to Directive 1.35 of the UNIL Rectorate
If your employee wishes to take parental, extended or partial leave, their request has to be signed by you. It is up to the direct superior to ensure beforehand that the conditions relating to the granting of leave are fulfilled.
Circulate information to all staff regarding daycare facilities for babies and infants and support for parents, carers and dual career couple.
When a woman announces her pregnancy, it has generally been underway for several months. You can therefore take the necessary measures regarding your employee’s state of health according to the medical certificate that she presents, a copy of which you will send to Human Resources.
As soon as you learn of the pregnancy, you must immediately carry out an evaluation of your pregnant employee’s work environment. In fact, in Switzerland, employers are legally obliged to carry out a risk assessment and take the appropriate measures to protect the health of their pregnant employees.
In accordance with Directive 1.38. of the University of Lausanne Rectorate Protection de la santé des femmes enceintes (PDF) :
Interactive tool for managing pregnancy in the workplace.