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As a manager, you can contribute to organising working conditions to make work-lif balance less difficult, for mothers and fathers alike. This will also enable you to derive full benefit from the potential of those working with you. Here is some information to help you.

Staff management

  • Establish a positive culture and communication in your team with regard to those with family commitments and (future) parents.
  • Anticipate parenthood situations in your staff management and take into account family commitments in your staff management. Also, provide for the costs of replacements for maternity leave and other family leave in the planning of your research projects and budgetary processes. Moreover, according to Directive 1.38. of the University of Lausanne Rectorate concerning the health protection of pregnant women (PDF), it is the responsibility of managers to inform staff, at the time of hiring, of the risks involved within the framework of their professional activities.
  • Adopt a benevolent attitude towards requests for family leave. If necessary, look for optimal replacement solutions during the leave period with those working with the person concerned.

Request for leave for family reasons

According to Directive 1.35 of the UNIL Rectorate

If your employee wishes to take parental, extended or partial leave, their request has to be signed by you. It is up to the direct superior to ensure beforehand that the conditions relating to the granting of leave are fulfilled.


  • Take into account the needs of employees with family responsibilities when scheduling meetings (for example, team meetings, Faculty Council meetings) as well as exam and course timetables.
  • For major events (symposiums, colloquiums, conferences), organise childcare solutions or make arrangements for parents to attend with their children. You can obtain more information from the Equal Opportunies Office.


Circulate information to all staff regarding daycare facilities for babies and infants and support for parents, carers and dual career couple.

Federal Act on Gender Equality : prohibition of discrimination

The Federal Act on Gender Equality aims to implement the principle of equality between men and women in the field of employment. It prohibits any form of discrimination - direct or indirect – between male and female employees on account of their gender, especially in relation to civil status, family situation or, in the case of women, pregnancy. This prohibition applies throughout the employment relationship, starting with recruitment.

Pregnant employees

When a woman announces her pregnancy, it has generally been underway for several months. You can therefore take the necessary measures regarding your employee’s state of health according to the medical certificate that she presents, a copy of which you will send to Human Resources.

As soon as you learn of the pregnancy, you must immediately carry out an evaluation of your pregnant employee’s work environment. In fact, in Switzerland, employers are legally obliged to carry out a risk assessment and take the appropriate measures to protect the health of their pregnant employees.

In accordance with Directive 1.38. of the University of Lausanne Rectorate Protection de la santé des femmes enceintes (PDF) :

  • With the pregnant (or breastfeeding) employee, examine her activites and identify any hazards to which the pregnant woman and her child could be exposed, with the help of the safety coordinator. If hazards are identified, you must rapidly take the necessary measures, such as adapting the activity. The hazards identified and measures taken are stated on the form sent by HR for this purpose to employees who have announced their pregnancy.
  • You must then forward the document to HR with a copy to UniSEP ( If the presence of hazards is presumed, UniSEP will evaluate the appropriateness of carrying out a risk assessment and planning a meeting with the UNIL occupational health nurse.

For more information

Discuss with your employee a possible replacement with her during her maternity/breastfeeding leave. Since the introduction of federal maternity insurance, the employing unity receives income compensation allowances (APG) during 14 weeks equivalent to 80% of the salary of women on maternity leave. This enables the Faculties and Services concerned, according to their budget and requirements, to organise and bear the cost of a temporary replacement.