The Foundation supports exceptional cross-disciplinary projects at the interface between academia and civil society.
Eligible applicants:
The request must come from a professor, MER, MA, first assistant, or doctoral assistant at UNIL (Directive 1.1), with the exception of an MA Ambizione, an SNSF-funded professor, a senior administrative and technical staff (PAT cadre), a lecturer, a privat-docent, or a substitute professor.
To keep in mind :
A tailored visibility agreement will be included as part of the funding conditions.
Before connecting to submit your application online, prepare your entire file in PDF format.
The file may be submitted in French or English.
The platform for submitting your application is optimized for Chrome and Firefox.
Select: Demandes subsides FUNIL
Account name: Funil
Password: leave empty
Recipients of funding must include acknowledgments and/or the Foundation’s logo on any documents resulting from the Foundation’s support.