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German - Specific skills module

The “Specific Skills” modules develop specific competences in language and communication, to enable learners to participate more effectively in academic, professional or social situations.

Registration (UNIL members)
Registration (HEP Students)

Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz (from B2)

Learning outcomes

  • Communicate in business situations: argue and defend a point of view, communicate with colleagues
  • Give a talk in a specific professional field
  • Read complex business texts and understand the most important points
  • Write grammatically accurate, well-structured professional texts in an appropriate style (summaries, descriptions of a graph and comments on a graph, an individual CV, a memo based on a telephone conversation)
  • Act appropriately in everyday professional situations with business partners
  • Make use of independent learning strategies

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines


Required level

From B2

Level descriptor

Structure of the module
(per week)

> Group

2 periods


> Multimedia Centre (EMA)*



Fixed according to the availability of the participants

All information


Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions).

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)

Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz (from B2)

Learning outcomes

  • Interact and communicate effectively in an international, social and/or professional context
  • Apply listening strategies in order to follow a presentation in a professional or academic context
  • Express facts, ideas and opinions clearly and accurately during academic or professional discussions
  • Present an academic or professional subject confidently, clearly and in a structure manner
  • Apply appropriate strategies to communicate effectively in an international context
  • Make use of independent learning strategies

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines


Required level

From B2

Level descriptor

Structure of the module
(per week)

> Group

2 periods


> Multimedia Centre (EMA)*



Fixed according to the availability of the participants

All information


Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions).

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)

NEW! Konversation im Alltag und Beruf (B1-B1/B2)

Learning outcomes

  • Communicate in personal and professional situations
  • Take part in a conversation with confidence using appropriate speaking strategies
  • Use clear pronunciation and appropriate intonation to express intended meaning and highlight important elements or ideas
  • Make use of oral techniques to express and explain one's reasoning
  • Follow a monologue, dialogue or interview in standard German using appropriate listening strategies
  • Apply suitable strategies to communicate in an intercultural setting

Practical information


Pre-registration dates and deadlines


Required level


Level descriptor

Structure of the module
(per week)

> Group

2 periods


> Multimedia Centre (EMA)*

1 period


Fixed according to the availability of the participants

All information


Language Center courses are only for members of the UNIL community (with a few exceptions).

All information

*When indicated, the multimedia space for independent learning (EMA) is an integrated part of the course. It can be “online registration” or “free access” (details)